แบบฝึกหัด ภาษาอังกฤษ ม.4 พร้อม เฉลย new world

New World 2

Reading Comprehension Test for O-NET

แบบทดสอบทกั ษะการอ่านเพอื ความเข้าใจเพือเตรียมตวั สอบ O-NET

• ออกแบบโดยอิงบทอา่ นจากกิจกรรม Reading ในหนงั สือเรียน New World เป็นหลกั
• ฝึกเทคนิคการทําข้อสอบแนว O-NET โดยเฉพาะทกั ษะ Reading Comprehension

ซงึ เป็ นทกั ษะสําคญั ในการใช้สอบ O-NET (ฝึกเทคนิคการหา Main Idea, Inference,
Facts & Details, Reference, Vocabulary)
• แนวข้อสอบหลากหลายตามแบบ สทศ. (สถาบนั ทดสอบการศกึ ษาแหง่ ชาติ) พร้อม
เฉลยเพือประเมินผลตนเองก่อนเข้าสสู่ นามสอบ
• เหมาะอย่างยิงสําหรับใช้ทบทวนเนือหาและเตรียมความพร้ อมให้มีความมันใจใน

แนวทางการนําไปใช้สาํ หรับครู

1. ใช้เป็นกิจกรรมฝึกทกั ษะการอา่ นเพิมเติมนอกเหนือจากกิจกรรมในหนงั สือเรียน
New World

2. ใช้เป็นแบบประเมินกิจกรรมการอา่ นในหนงั สือเรียน New World
3. ใช้เป็ นแบบฝึกทดสอบเพือเตรียมความพร้อมผ้เู รียนกอ่ นเข้ารับการทดสอบทาง

การศกึ ษาระดบั ชาติ รวมถงึ การเข้ารับการคดั เลือกเข้าศกึ ษาตอ่ ในระดบั อดุ มศกึ ษา


New World 2

Reading Comprehension Test for O-NET

แบบทดสอบทกั ษะการอ่านเพือความเข้าใจเพอื เตรียมตัวสอบ O-NET


แบบฝึ กแนวข้อสอบ O-NET วชิ าภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมศกึ ษาตอนต้น (การอ่านเพอื ความเข้าใจ)
ชุดที 1 Passage 1: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 1, page 7)
ชุดที 2 Passage 2: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 2, page 13)
ชุดที 3 Passage 3: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 3, page 19)
ชุดที 4 Passage 4: (From: New World Student Book 2, Review 1, page 23)
ชุดที 5 Passage 5: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 4, page 31)
ชุดที 6 Passage 6: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 5, page 37)
ชุดที 7 Passage 7: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 6, page 43)
ชุดที 8 Passage 8: (From: New World Student Book 2, Review 2, page 47)
ชุดที 9 Passage 9: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 7, page 55)
ชุดที 10 Passage 10: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 8, page 61)
ชุดที 11 Passage 11: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 9, page 67)
ชุดที 12 Passage 12: (From: New World Student Book 2, Review 3, page 71)
ชุดที 13 Passage 13: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 10, page 79)
ชุดที 14 Passage 14: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 11, page 85)
ชุดที 15 Passage 15: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 12, page 91)
ชุดที 16 Passage 16: (From: New World Student Book 2, Review 4, page 95)


แบบฝึ กแนวข้อสอบ O-NET วชิ าภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมศกึ ษาตอนต้น (การอ่านเพือความเข้าใจ)

ชุดที 1

แตล่ ะข้อมีคําตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคาํ ตอบเดียว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคําตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพยี งคาํ ตอบเดยี ว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 1: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 1, page 7, Reading)
Look at the photo on the left. What can you say about the school?

The Will to Learn

Hakima is from a small village in Peshawar, Pakistan. She’s twelve years old, and she has nine
brothers and sisters. Hakima is the only one in school. She’s the only one in her family that can
read and write. Hakima reads to her classmates, and they listen. She wants to be a teacher
when she grows up.

Jomo is from the Iten region, in Kenya. Jomo’s school is about four kilometers from his home.
Jomo runs to school every morning and back home after classes. Jomo is ten years old, and he
wants to be an athlete. There are many marathon runners in Iten. School is from 8:00 A.M. to
4:00 P.M. Students receive lunch at school every day. Jomo takes some of his lunch home and
shares it with his family.


1. Where is Hakima from? 2. Iten
1. Peshawar 4. Jomo
3. Kenya

2. Hakima is _______________________. 2. 12 years old
1. 10 years old 4. lives in Africa
3. from a large town

3. How many brothers and sisters does Hakima have?
1. 9 2. 10
3. 12 4. Not mentioned in the passage

4. How many children in Hakima’s family go to school?

1. None 2. 1

3. 2 4. 9

5. What does Hakima want to do in the future? 2. Run
1. Teach 4. Not mentioned in the passage
3. Be a athlete

6. Jomo’s school is ________________________. 2. 4 kilometers from his home
1. very near his school 4. very big
3. in Peshawar
2. 8 P.M.
  4. 4 P.M.

7. Jomo’s school ends at __________________.
1. 8 A.M.
3. 4 A.M.


แบบฝึ กแนวข้อสอบ O-NET วชิ าภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมศกึ ษาตอนต้น (การอ่านเพือความเข้าใจ)

ชุดที 2

แตล่ ะข้อมีคาํ ตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคาํ ตอบเดยี ว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคําตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพยี งคาํ ตอบเดยี ว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 2: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 2, page 13, Reading)

A Trip to Iceland

Raphael is visiting his friend Steinunn, in Iceland. He’s staying with
her and her family in the capital, Reykjavik.

Iceland is an island near the Arctic Circle. The total
population is only 320,000. The country has many natural
wonders such as the Northern Lights, also called Aurora
Borealis. These lights are one of nature’s most spectacular
shows. They appear in the sky at night, from September to April.
Tourists can also go whale watching, ride a snowmobile on a glacier,
or just relax in a hot spring.

The Blue Lagoon spa is very popular with tourists and Icelanders for pleasure and for health.
It offers hot baths from geothermal energy. Geothermal power is energy from the heat inside the
earth. It’s used to heat the houses and generate electricity. It’s natural and pollution free.
Iceland has lots of volcanoes, and so it has enormous geothermal power resources.


1. Who is visiting Iceland? 2. Steinunn
1. Raphael 4. Aurora Borealis
3. Reykjavik

2. What is the capital of Iceland? 2. Reykjavik
1. Steinunn 4. Blue Lagoon
3. Aurora Borealis

3. In which month can you see the Northern Lights?

1. September 2. May

3. June 4. August

4. Which activities do tourist do in Iceland? 2. Relax in hot springs and visit volcanoes
1. Watch whales and visit volcanoes 4. Watch whales and visit hot springs
3. Visit hot springs and travel to Greenland

5. Icelanders and _____________________ visit the Blue Lagoon Spa.

1. Aurora Borealis 2. Steinunn

3. Raphael 4. tourists

6. Where does geothermal power come from? 2. Aurora Borealis
1. Energy 4. Spas
3. Inside the earth

7. Which is true of Iceland? 2. It has many volcanoes.
1. It is very hot. 4. It is cold all year long.
3. It has many tourists.


แบบฝึ กแนวข้อสอบ O-NET วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมศึกษาตอนต้น (การอ่านเพอื ความเข้าใจ)
ชุดที 3
แตล่ ะข้อมีคาํ ตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคําตอบเดียว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.
อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพยี งคําตอบเดยี ว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 3: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 3, page 19, Reading)

Gaming in South Korea
In South Korea, video gaming is a national pastime. Young
people love to spend their free time playing computer games.
They spend hours at Internet cafés—called PC Bangs. Many
people have PCs, but they prefer to play at the Bang with
others. About one-third of the country’s 48 million people play video games online.

Soap Operas in Mexico
Mexico is one of the world’s biggest producers of soap operas
(telenovelas). Televisa network is the most important. Sometimes
their TV channels show several soaps (up to 6 or 7) at the same time. The typical Mexican soap
opera has a lot of drama and emotion: typically boy loves girl, but his family doesn’t accept her.
Televisa and other Hispanic channels offer entertainment to millions of Spanish speakers in
Latin America and the U.S.


1. What countries is this passage about? 2. America and Mexico
1. South Korea and America 4. Mexico and South Korea
3. Latin America and Mexico

2. What do young people do in South Korea? 2. Watch soap operas
1. Play computer games 4. None of the above
3. Watch Televisa network

3. A PC Bang is _____________________. 2. on Televisa
1. found in Mexico 4. popular in Latin America
3. a kind of Internet café

4. What is the population of South Korea? 2. About 48 million people
1. About 1/3rd the population of Mexico 4. Not mentioned in the passage
3. About the same as Mexico’s

5. How many soaps are shown on Televisa network at one time?
1. 1 2. 3
3. 6-7 4. 48

6. Mexican soaps often have ______________________.

1. a lot of video games 2. a lot of computer games

3. a lot of drama 4. a lot of PC Bangs

7. Where can you watch Televisa? 2. The U.S.
1. South Korea 4. Africa
3. Asia


แบบฝึ กแนวข้อสอบ O-NET วชิ าภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมศกึ ษาตอนต้น (การอ่านเพอื ความเข้าใจ)

ชุดที 4

แตล่ ะข้อมีคําตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคําตอบเดยี ว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคําตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคําตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพียงคําตอบเดยี ว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 4: (From: New World Student Book 2, Review 1, page 23, Focus on the World)

Today, over 1.5 billion people around the world speak English—
very often as a second (or third) language. English words are part
of our lives: We wear “jeans,” talk on a “smart phone,” eat a
“hamburger,” turn on the “TV,” and go to the “shopping center.”

Actually English has words from two hundred languages or more. A large number of these
words are from French. In fact, about 30% of all English words have a French origin. Do you
know about the Norman invasion of England in 1066? Many French words in English are from
that time in history. Here are examples of words from other languages in English: You eat “pork”
(French/Latin), you study “math” (Greek), go to a “kindergarten” (German), wash your hair with
“shampoo” (Hindi, from India), and so on.

There are many varieties of English too, but British and
American English are the most common kinds. American
English and British English are not always alike, either. Look at the
following list of words:


1. What would be a good title for this passage? 2. Why English Is So Popular
1. Foreign Words In English 4. English Came From French
3. English: An International Language

2. Which English words are NOT common to many languages?

1. Smart phones and jeans 2. Hamburgers and pork

3. Kindergarten and shampoo 4. TV and shopping center

3. English has borrowed words from _________________ languages.

1. no other 2. 200

3. 1066 4. 1.5 billion

4. Which foreign language do many English words come from?

1. French 2. Hindi

3. Norman 4. Greek

5. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
1. English is a very popular language.
2. “Shampoo” comes from Hindi.
3. There are many varieties of English.
4. English has adopted many foreign words.

6. The word “kindergarten” comes from _________________.

1. American English 2. British English

3. French 4. German

7. Which is the American English version of ‘queue’?

1. Line 2. Cookies

3. Candy 4. Subway


แบบฝึ กแนวข้อสอบ O-NET วชิ าภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมศกึ ษาตอนต้น (การอ่านเพือความเข้าใจ)

ชุดที 5

แตล่ ะข้อมีคําตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคาํ ตอบเดยี ว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคําตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพียงคําตอบเดียว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 5: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 4, page 31, Reading)

Simon Hopkins
Furniture Tester
Simon’s job looks easy. He gets paid to sit down. But it’s
not really a “couch potato” job. He moves around a lot.
Simon sits in various kinds of chairs to check the level of
comfort. Simon also tests beds. He prefers beds to chairs.
“It’s much more relaxing,” says Simon.

Nicole Dupont
Pet Food Taster
Nicole tastes pet food and likes it. She works for a pet
food company. She’s a food technologist. Nicole tests all
the foods before they go to the stores. She needs to
check that they are OK to sell. The pet food cannot have a bad smell or a very strong smell.
Nicole really likes a special vegetable dinner for cats.
“It’s really yummy,” she says.


1. What is this passage about? 2. Nicole
1. Simon 4. Strange jobs
3. Pet food
2. a pet food tester
2. Simon is ________________________. 4. a furniture tester
1. a coach potato
3. an uncommon job 2. She works for a pet food company.
4. She tastes pet food.
3. Which does Nicole NOT do?
1. She smells pet food. 2. a food technologist
3. She sells pet food. 4. a furniture tester

4. Nicole is _____________________________. 2. cats
1. pet food 4. beds
3. a coach potato

5. Nicole really likes ____________________.
1. pet food
3. special vegetable dinner for cats


แบบฝึ กแนวข้อสอบ O-NET วชิ าภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมศกึ ษาตอนต้น (การอ่านเพือความเข้าใจ)

ชุดที 6

แตล่ ะข้อมีคาํ ตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคาํ ตอบเดยี ว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคําตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพียงคาํ ตอบเดียว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 6: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 5, page 37, Reading)

Ethnic foods come from one country, but many are popular all over the
world. Here are some foods that you can find in most countries.

Chinese Chinese food is popular in restaurants, for take out, or for home
delivery. Chinese food comes in many varieties, but a dish usually has three or
more ingredients and colors. Rice is part of many dishes.

Mexican Tacos, tortillas, chili Tacos are one of Mexico’s favorite foods.
Tacos are prepared with beef or chicken and corn tortillas. Chili is a spicy
stew, usually with beans and tomatoes.

Japanese Sushi: rice, often with raw fish Sushi is the most popular Japanese
food outside Japan. Fresh fish, rice, and soy sauce are light and healthy foods.

Indian Curry: vegetables, meat, and spices Curries are spicy but healthy.
Chicken masala is probably the most popular food item in England. The meat is in a creamy, spicy

Italian Pizza: tomato sauce, cheese, and a variety of toppings Pizza is common in most
countries and very popular with young people. It is quick to make and easy to deliver to homes.


1. What are “ethnic foods”?
1. Foods that are commonly eaten in your own country
2. Foods that come to your country from a different country
3. Chinese food
4. Asian food

2. Which statement is true about Chinese food?
1. It usually has three or more ingredients.
2. Tacos are an example of Chinese food.
3. Chicken masala is an example of Chinese food.
4. Chinese food comes from Italy.

3. Which food is one of Mexico’s favorite? 2. Sushi
1. Chicken masala 4. Tacos
3. Curry

4. __________________ is a spicy stew. 2. Sushi
1. Chicken masala 4. Chili
3. Pizza

5. Which foods are considered healthy? 2. Pizza and chicken masala
1. Sushi and pizza 4. Curries and tacos
3. Sushi and curries

6. Which ethnic food is popular in England? 2. Sushi
1. Tacos 4. Chicken masala
3. Chili

7. ________________________ are often sold for home delivery.

1. Chinese and pizza 2. Sushi and tacos

3. Tacos and curries 4. Chinese and tacos


แบบฝึ กแนวข้อสอบ O-NET วชิ าภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมศกึ ษาตอนต้น (การอ่านเพือความเข้าใจ)

ชุดที 7

แตล่ ะข้อมีคาํ ตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคาํ ตอบเดยี ว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคําตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคําตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพยี งคาํ ตอบเดยี ว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 7: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 6, page 43, Reading)

A Simple Solution
How do you get to school or work? Bamboo bikes are
becoming a popular form of transportation in many cities
around the world. Why?

Bamboo bikes are cheap, and they are lighter than ordinary
bikes. They have tubes of bamboo, not metal. Bamboo
is flexible and makes the bike comfortable to ride. And, more
importantly, bamboo bikes are eco-friendly. Bamboo is a
natural material and grows in many places.

People around the world are now designing and building
bamboo bikes. For example, designer Flávio Deslandes, of São Paulo, Brazil, is making bamboo
bicycles. The Department of Education in São Paulo gives thousands of bamboo bikes to students
in public schools in poor neighborhoods. The Traffic Department then teaches them how to ride
safely. Some of the students that ride the bikes to school work in Flávio’s factory after classes.

Would you like to get to school or go to work on a bamboo bike?


1. Why are bamboo bikes popular? 2. They are light.
1. They are cheap. 4. All of the above
3. They are eco-friendly.

2. Why are bamboo bikes comfortable to ride? 2. Because they are eco-friendly.
1. Because they are light. 4. Because they are flexible.
3. Because they are cheap.

3. Which statement is NOT true about bamboo? 2. It is bendable.
1. It is not as heavy as metal. 4. It is natural and grown in many places.
3. It is expensive.

4. _________________ lives in São Paulo. 2. Brazil
1. Flávio Deslandes 4. None of the above
3. The Traffic Department

5. ________________________ teaches children to ride bamboo bikes safely.

1. São Paulo 2. Flávio Deslandes

3. The Traffic Department 4. The Department of Education

6. Who works in Flávio’s factory? 2. They don’t like it.
1. Bamboo bikes 4. São Paulo
3. Some students


แบบฝึ กแนวข้อสอบ O-NET วชิ าภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมศกึ ษาตอนต้น (การอ่านเพือความเข้าใจ)

ชุดที 8

แตล่ ะข้อมีคําตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคาํ ตอบเดียว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพียงคําตอบเดยี ว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 8: (From: New World Student Book 2, Review 2, page 47, Focus on the World)

Bees are always busy. They never stop working. They work
all day every day, and they never sleep.

Three different types of bees live in the hive. They are the queen, the drones
(her husbands), and thousands of worker bees. The worker bees are
female. A worker often visits 1,000 flowers every day. The worker bees
collect nectar from flowers. The bees use the nectar to make honey, the
food for the hive. To make one pound of honey,
the bees in the colony need to visit 2 million
flowers. At the flower, the bee sucks out sweet
nectar into her stomach. Then the bee changes
the nectar into honey using chemicals in her

When we want to say that someone is extra sweet
or nice, we use the expression “as sweet as honey.”


1. Queen bees, drones and _________________ live in a hive.

1. husband bees 2. worker bees

3. flowers 4. nectar

2. How many queen bees are there in a hive? 2. 1
1. None 4. 2 million
3. Thousands

3. ________________ comes from flowers. 2. Honey
1. Nectar 4. Drones
3. Hives

4. How do bees change nectar into honey? 2. By putting it into their hive
1. By flying 4. By using chemicals in their bodies
3. By giving it to their queen

5. What percent of honey is water? 2. 18%
1. 80% 4. None of the above
3. 2%

6. Which is NOT a health benefit of honey? 2. It helps the body’s immune system.
1. It’s a good source of energy. 4. It’s a natural remedy.
3. It’s good for diabetics.


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ชุดที 9

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Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคําตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพียงคําตอบเดยี ว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ
Passage 9: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 7, page 55, Reading)

What kind of personality do you have?
Are you shy or outgoing? Complete the
questionnaire to find out.


1. What is the main purpose of this passage? 2. To see if you have many friends
1. To determine your personality 4. To see if you like many people
3. To see if you are friendly

2. Which question is about meeting new people?
1. 1 2. 2
3. 5 4. 7

3. Which question is about telling jokes? 2. 4
1. 2 4. 7
3. 5

4. Which question is about asking for help?

1. 2 2. 4

3. 6 4. None of the above

  2. 8
5. Which question is about helping others?

1. 7

3. 7 and 8 4. None of the above

6. Which kind of person has mostly “C” answers?

1. A kind person 2. An outgoing person

3. A sociable person 4. A shy person


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ชุดที 10

แตล่ ะข้อมีคาํ ตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคาํ ตอบเดียว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคําตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพยี งคําตอบเดียว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 10: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 8, page 61, Reading)

Herbal Medicines

Do you know that many people use herbs as medicines? Do you use any of these?

Ginger Ginger is used a lot in Asian cuisine. But you can
use it as a remedy. Drink a cup of hot ginger tea, or chew
small pieces of it for sore throats.

Ginseng Ginseng is
good for colds and headaches. Drink a cup of ginseng tea
three times a day. Ginseng creams are very good for the
skin, too. And, some people take ginseng capsules to stay

Cloves Today people use cloves for baking and cooking and as
an ingredient in perfumes and toothpaste. But, oil of cloves
appears in Chinese medicine as far back as 600 A.D. It is a very
old anesthetic, and dentists use it to stop pain. Use it for colds,
coughs, flu, and allergies, too.


Garlic Garlic isn’t just for cooking. You can use garlic for many illnesses.
Take it for a sore throat, headaches, and toothaches. The only problem is
garlic’s bad smell.

Chili There are many kinds of chili, and it is used for
many health problems. Chili is good for digestion, the heart, fever,
diarrhea, toothache, laryngitis, and it helps to reduce cholesterol. Eat lots
of hot chili, and stay healthy.

1. Which herb is NOT mentioned in the passage?

1. Chili 2. Garlic

3. Ginseng 4. Basil

2. Which herb is used in Asian cuisine? 2. Ginseng
1. Ginger 4. Garlic
3. Cloves

3. _______________________ is used to fight headaches.

1. Ginger 2. Ginseng

3. Cloves 4. Chili

4. People take ginseng tablets to _____________________________.

1. stop pain 2. stay young

3. stop diarrhea 4. reduce cholesterol

5. The Chinese used _____________________ a long time ago.

1. 600 A.D. 2. chili

3. garlic 4. cloves

6. What is a problem of using garlic? 2. It is dangerous.
1. It is expensive. 4. It doesn’t work well.
3. It smells bad.

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ชุดที 11

แตล่ ะข้อมีคําตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคําตอบเดยี ว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคําตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคําตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพียงคาํ ตอบเดียว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 11: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 9, page 67, Reading)

Amsterdam is one of the world’s best cities to live in, and A canal in Amsterdam
to visit. Many of the Dutch speak several languages, and
so you usually can communicate easily. It’s also easy to
get around the city. Cycling is popular, so you can rent a

bike and pedal everywhere.
Holland has 18 million bikes,
for a population of about 17
million people.

Amsterdam has many attractions. There are 165 canals in
Amsterdam. They help protect the city from the sea and are used for
transportation. You can ride a bike or walk along the picturesque
canals, or you take a boat
cruise on them. About 1,500
bridges cross the canals.

At the Rijksmuseum, you can
admire the paintings of Rembrandt and Vermeer. Or,
you can visit the Van Gogh Museum, which has the


world’s largest collection of the artist’s works. Holland is famous for many things. You can see
colorful tulips in the spring. Near Amsterdam, you can see windmills. Also near Amsterdam, you
can visit the Alkmaar cheese market. And, you cannot leave Amsterdam without trying the raw
herring (a kind of fish). It’s a Dutch delicacy.

1. Which is NOT true about Amsterdam? 2. Bicycles are popular in Amsterdam.
1. It is cold in Amsterdam. 4. It is easy to get around.
3. It has many attractions.

2. Amsterdam is in ______________________. 2. Vermeer
1. Rijksmuseum 4. Dutch
3. Holland

3. There are _______ million people in Holland, but 18 million bicycles.

1. 17 2. 165

3. 1,500 4. none of the above

4. What do canals do? 2. They are used for transportation.
1. They help protect the city. 4. They are for both #1 and #2.
3. They are for bicycles.

5. Amsterdam has _____________ canals and _____________ bridges.

1. 17 and 18 2. 17 and 165

3. 165 and 1,500 4. 17 million and 18 million

6. The Rijksmuseum is a ________________________ in Amsterdam.

1. painting 2. canal

3. Dutch delicacy 4. museum

7. Holland is NOT famous for its ____________________________.

1. trains and technology 2. tulips and windmills

3. windmills and cheese market 4. canals and tulips


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ชุดที 12

แตล่ ะข้อมีคาํ ตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคาํ ตอบเดียว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคําตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคําตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพียงคาํ ตอบเดียว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 12: (From: New World Student Book 2, Review 3, page 71, Focus on the World)

Can you imagine a sport that is a combination of soccer,
volleyball, and gymnastics and that is played on a badminton
court? There is really a sport like this! It’s called sepak takraw.
The name comes from two languages. Sepak is “kick” in Malay,
and takraw is “ball” in Thai.

Sepak takraw is a very popular sport in Asia and is growing rapidly. Each team has three
players. Players stand on opposite sides of a five-foot high net. Each team tries to send the ball
back over the net to the other team. Players can use their feet, knees, backs, shoulders, or
heads, but they can’t use their hands or arms. Like in volleyball, there are passes and sets, and
the rules of the two games are very similar. The takraw ball is made of plastic, or of rattan
(a material like bamboo), and it weighs 170 to 190 grams.

The game is very fast, and the ball can travel up to 140 kilometers per hour. Players jump, float
in the air, flip upside down, and perform acrobatic stunts to block or smash the ball. Sepak
takraw is an exciting game to play and to watch.


1. Sepak Takraw is a mixture of ______________________________.

1. gymnastics and volleyball 2. volleyball and soccer

3. soccer, gymnastics, and badminton 4. soccer, gymnastics, and volleyball

2. Which two languages does the word “sepak takraw” come from?

1. Thai and Japanese 2. Malay and Chinese

3. Thai and Malay 4. Chinese and Japanese

3. Sepak Takraw is ________________________. 2. not popular in the USA
1. not popular in Thailand 4. very easy to play
3. becoming more popular

4. In Sepak Takraw ___________________ players from each team play at once.
1. 3 2. 6
3. 12 4. none of the above

5. The net is _____________ feet high. 2. 170
1. 5 4. 140
3. 190

6. Sepak Takraw has rules similar to which sport?

1. Soccer 2. Badminton

3. Volleyball 4. Gymnastics

7. Which best describes Sepak Takraw? 2. New
1. Exciting 4. Slow
3. Old


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ชุดที 13

แตล่ ะข้อมีคาํ ตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคาํ ตอบเดยี ว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคําตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพียงคาํ ตอบเดียว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 13: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 10, page 79, Reading)

Nowadays, people celebrate all kinds of graduations. There are graduations from martial arts
classes to modeling classes. Students graduate from elementary school, high school, and
college. In some countries, such as Korea, graduating from kindergarten is an impressive
ceremony. It’s complete with gowns, diplomas, and kids doing dances and presentations.

In the United States, graduation from high school is perhaps the most significant. One tradition
with high school graduation is the prom. The prom is a school
dance, and it is very formal. It marks the end of adolescence
and high school life, and the start of a new period of work or
college. Young women wear a beautiful evening gown,
jewelry, and new shoes with high heels. The young men wear
a tuxedo. A young man picks up his date at her house, and they go to the prom in a limousine.

What are you going to do on your graduation? What are you going to wear? How are you going
to celebrate?


1. Which type of graduation ceremony is NOT mentioned in the passage?

1. Dance school 2. Martial arts classes

3. High school 4. Kindergarten

2. Graduation from __________________ is celebrated in Korea.

1. high school 2. driving school

3. kindergarten 4. acting school

3. Korean kindergarten graduations have __________________.

1. proms 2. limousines

3. evening gowns 4. diplomas

4. In the US, a prom symbolizes _________________________.

1. graduation from kindergarten 2. graduation from college

3. the end of high school 4. graduation from elementary school

5. A young woman would wear ____________________ to a prom.

1. a diploma 2. new shoes

3. a tuxedo 4. a graduation gown

6. What is a tuxedo? 2. Part of a kindergartener’s gown
1. A type of woman’s clothing 4. A formal male suit
3. A type of celebration


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ชุดที 14

แตล่ ะข้อมีคาํ ตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคําตอบเดียว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพียงคําตอบเดยี ว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 14: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 11, page 85, Reading)

What Is Intelligence?

Intelligence is a complex topic. How do you measure intelligence? There
is no clear answer from researchers. The fact is that some people are
good at some things; other people are good at other things. Not all
people are good at all things.

Let’s look at the intelligences of some famous people in history. Mozart’s
musical intelligence was amazing. His first musical work was at the age
of five. Einstein was a brilliant mathematician, but his social skills weren’t
very good. Einstein wasn’t very good with people. Sigmund Freud had
good linguistic intelligence, and he was good at understanding people.
Winston Churchill wasn’t a very good student at school, but he was a
political genius, an excellent painter, and a writer. Thomas Edison wasn’t
a scientist, but he was a great inventor with lots of practical ideas. Some
of his inventions were the phonograph, the electric light bulb, and the
movie camera. Leonardo da Vinci was good at many things. Leonardo
was a painter, a sculptor, a designer, an architect, a scientist, an engineer, and an inventor, all
in one.


1. Intelligence is ______________________________.

1. hard to measure 2. easy to measure

3. hard to find 4. measured in only one way

2. Mozart was good in _____________________ intelligence.

1. mathematic 2. musical

3. linguistic 4. artistic

3. Who in the passage was a good inventor? 2. Mozart and Churchill
1. Edison and Churchill 4. Freud and Einstein
3. Edison and da Vinci

4. ____________________ wasn’t good at understanding people.

1. Edison 2. Churchill

3. Einstein 4. Freud

5. Which inventor was NOT a scientist? 2. Edison
1. Einstein 4. Freud
3. Leonardo

6. ______________________ invented the electric light bulb, movie camera, and phonograph.

1. Einstein 2. Edison

3. Leonardo 4. Freud


แบบฝึ กแนวข้อสอบ O-NET วชิ าภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมศกึ ษาตอนต้น (การอ่านเพอื ความเข้าใจ)

ชุดที 15

แตล่ ะข้อมีคําตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคําตอบเดียว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคําตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพยี งคาํ ตอบเดียว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 15: (From: New World Student Book 2, Unit 12, page 91, Reading)

Lang Lang was born in Shenyang, China, on June 14, 1982.
At the age of two, he heard Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody in
a Tom and Jerry cartoon. That inspired him to learn to play
the piano, he says.

Lang began lessons at age three. At the age of five, he
performed his first public recital. But at the age of nine,
he stopped his private piano studies. The teacher said
Lang didn’t have special talent. Lang was heartbroken.

However, his music teacher at school noticed that the boy was sad. So she played a record of
Mozart’s Piano Sonata to comfort him, and she asked him to play along on the piano. That
reminded Lang of his love for music and brought him hope again. Soon he got a chance to
study at the music conservatory.


When he was eleven, Lang won the first prize at the
International Competition for Young Pianists Competition in
Germany. In 2008, at the Olympic Games in Beijing, he
played to millions of people all over the world. Nowadays,
Lang plays with the world’s most famous symphony
orchestras, and he helps young pianists with talent.

1. Who is the world’s most successful pianist?
1. Shenyang
3. Beijing 2. Lang Lang
4. Hungarian Rhapsod

2. Lang Lang was born in _______________________.

1. Shenyang 2. Hungary

3. Beijing 4. Germany

3. What did Lang do at age 9? 2. Stopped studying the piano
1. Began piano lessons 4. Played at the Beijing Olympic Games
3. Won an international competition

4. Where did Lang study music? 2. In Shenyang
1. In Beijing 4. In Germany
3. At a music conservatory

5. What is a “conservatory”? 2. A symphony
1. A song 4. A college for musicians
3. A piece of music

6. Today, Lang ________________________________.

1. helps young musicians 2. plays for famous orchestras

3. all of the above 4. none of the above


แบบฝึ กแนวข้อสอบ O-NET วชิ าภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมศกึ ษาตอนต้น (การอ่านเพือความเข้าใจ)

ชุดที 16

แตล่ ะข้อมีคําตอบทีถกู ทีสดุ เพียงคําตอบเดยี ว ให้วง ล้อมรอบตวั อกั ษรหน้าคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้อง

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each

question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.

อา่ นเนือเรืองตอ่ ไปนี และเลอื กคาํ ตอบทีถกู ต้องทีสดุ เพยี งคําตอบเดียว
ในสว่ นนีนกั เรียนจะได้หนงึ คะแนนเมือตอบถกู หนงึ ข้อ

Passage 16: (From: New World Student Book 2, Review 4, page 95, Focus on the World)

Dolphins are amazing animals. Stories of dolphins 33
protecting humans go back to ancient Greece.
Here’s a recent one.

Todd Endris went surfing with his friends near
Monterey, California. While he was sitting on his
surfboard, a giant white shark attacked Todd three
times. The first time the shark couldn’t get its jaws
around the surfer and the board. The second time
the shark had the surfboard and Todd’s body in its
mouth. And the third time it bit off the surfer’s right leg.
Todd kicked the shark’s nose with his left leg until
it let go. But Todd needed a miracle to survive.

That’s when a group of dolphins came to his rescue. They circled him and protected him from
the shark. Todd was able to get back to the beach on his board. Fortunately Todd’s friend on
the beach knew first aid. The friend tied something around Todd’s leg to stop the blood, and
rushed him to the hospital. Four months later Todd was back surfing in the same place where he
almost lost his life, thanks to the dolphins and his friend.

Scientists can’t explain the dolphins’ actions. One idea is that dolphins want to play. But who
knows? Maybe they want to help.

1. What is the main idea of this passage? 2. Dolphins saved Todd from a shark.
1. Todd was very lucky. 4. It’s not safe to surf in California.
3. Sharks kill many surfers in California.

2. Todd went surfing _________________. 2. with some dolphins.
1. with some sharks. 4. at the hospital.
3. with some friends.

3. Where did Todd surf? 2. In Monterrey
1. In Greece 4. Not mentioned in the passage
3. At the hospital

4. How many times did the shark attack Todd? 2. 2
1. 1 4. 4
3. 3

5. Todd ______________________ to free his leg from the shark.

1. called for the dolphins 2. waited for the dolphins

3. had his friends help him 4. kicked the shark’s nose

6. How did Todd’s friend help him? 2. He asked the dolphins to help Todd.
1. He tied something around his leg. 4. All of the above
3. He called the hospital.



