แบบฝึกพัฒนาทักษะภาษาอังกฤษ ปีการศึกษา 2557 เฉลย

  • 2557 1

    6 3 6 (O-NET)


  • 2557 2

    6 3 6 2

    1 1.1 6 200 1.2 3 250

    1.3 6 200 2

    2.1 6 15 2.2 3 15 2.3 6 20

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    1 2 3

    - 6 4 - 52 - 53 - 3 87 - 132 - 134 - 6 204 - 273 - 274 - Pre-test / Post-test - 6 318 - 322 - 3 329 - 333 - 6 337 - 344

    - 349

  • 2557 4


    -.............................................................................. ......................................................................................


    1. 200 2. 4 1 3. 4.

    5. 6.

  • 2557 5

    Directions: Read the conversation and answer the questions.

    1. A: Hello! May I speak to Mr.Robert, please? B: Im sorry, Im afraid he is not here. Would you like to leave a message? Which of the followings is correct?

    1. Mr.Robert is speaking. 2. Mr.Robert is at the office. 3. Mr.Robert is not in the office. 4. Mr.Robert is writing a message.

    2. Situation: The first class starts at 8.30 and the students are studying for 60 minutes each class.

    A: What time does the second class start? B: Its half past nine. Which of the followings is correct?




    4. 3. Tom: Where are you going? Jenny: Im going to buy something at Silom Street. Tom: Oh, I will go there too! Jenny: Really! Can I go with you? Tom: Sure! From the conversation, they are going to.together.

    1. the park 2. the bank 3. the market 4. the museum

  • 2557 6

    Joy: Pim, it's science class now. We have an experiment today.

    Pim: Really? I don't have a flower. Joy: That's not good. You will be in trouble. Pim: Can I borrow yours? Joy: Sorry, I have only one. Pim: I don't want to be in the class now. 4. From the conversation, which one is correct? 1. Pim has only one flower. 2. Joy borrows a flower from Pim. 3. Pim doesn't like to learn science. 4. Pim needs a flower for science class.

    5. What is the experiment about? 1. Reflection of mirror. 2. Life of animals. 3. Part of plants. 4. Push - pull.

    6. From the conversation above, where does this situation probably take place? 1. At a bus stop. 2. At a hospital. 3. At a market. 4. At a garden.

    Keem: Look at that man! He's smoking. Oom: He shouldnt smoke here.There are a lot of patients. Keem: We should tell him. Oom: Thats right.

  • 2557 7

    Directions: Read the conversation below and answer the questions. Henry: Where are you going? Judy: Were going to visit my sister in the city. Henry: Its almost 5:00 PM now, dont you think there will be a lot of traffic? Judy: So, were not driving. Were going to take the subway. It takes only about 20 minutes.

    7. From the conversation, does Judy agree with Henry about traffic? 1. Yes, she does. She will drive to the city. 2. Yes, she does. She will take the subway. 3. No, she doesnt. She doesnt listen to Henry. 4. No, she doesnt. She doesnt agree with Henry.

    8. If Judy takes the subway at 4:55 PM, what time will she arrive? 1. 5:10 PM 2. 5:15 PM 3. 5:20 PM 4. 5:25 PM

    9. Situation: Don meets Dee at the market. Don: Hello, Dee. Dee: How are you? Don: Very well, thank you. How are you? Dee: 1. Thanks. 2. Not too bad. 3. You're welcome. 4. Nice to meet you.

    10. On the plane Tom: My name is Tom. What's your name? Jane: My name is Jane. Nice to meet you. Tom: It's a pleasure. This is my first trip to Thailand. Jane: Really! ......................................... Tong: I'm from Canada. 1. What do you do? 2. Where is Canada? 3. Where are you from? 4. Why do you come here?

  • 2557 8

    11. Fred: What are you going to do this afternoon? Greg: I plan to go to the beach. Fred: Are you going to make a sand castle? Greg: No. I want to fly my new kite. Do you want to come with me? Fred: Sure. ................................

    1. Let's go. 2. Thank you. 3. Here you are. 4. You're welcome.

    12. Situation: John needs to staple their worksheet. What should John say? John: ________________________ Jim: No problem. John: Sorry, but its out of staples.

    1. Give my stapler to you in a second. 2. May I lend your stapler, please? 3. Could you borrow me your stapler? 4. Do you mind if I use your stapler for a second?

    13. Customer: Can you offer some vegetarian food? Waitress: How about ..............................................................?

    1. ham sandwiches 2. fried chicken wings 3. fruit salad with olive oil 4. beef steak with baked potatoes

    14. A: Would you pass me that glass please? B: O.k., ......................................................

    1. there it is. 2. here I am. 3. here you are. 4. there we are.

  • 2557 9

    15. Sakchai: Would you mind carrying this box for me? Marry: ...................................... Its my pleasure.

    1. Certainly. 2. Not at all. 3. Of course. 4. Yes, I would.

    Sallys friend: Why didnt Sally go to the party? Sallys mother: She had a fever last night, so she didnt go to the party. Sallys friend: She should .............................................................

    16. What should Sallys friend say? 1. stop studying. 2. see the doctor. 3. help her mother. 4. take a bath every day.

    A: I have got a stomachache. B: Oh! ...........17................... . Have you taken any medicine A: Yes, I have. B: .................18............................... .

    17. 1. Never mind.

    2. Thats too bad. 3. That is interesting. 4. Have a good health.

    18. 1. Sorry to hear that. 2. Drink more soda 3. Get back soon. 4. Get well soon.

  • 2557 10

    Dont - Use cell phones. - Use personal computer or

    other electronic devices. - Talk, eat or drink.

    Directions: Read the sign and answer the question (19-20) 19. Where can you find this notice?

    1. At the zoo 2. At the park 3. At the library 4. At the shopping mall.

    20. What activities can you do in this place? 1. Play sports. 2. Sing a song. 3. Read books. 4. Make a loud noise.

    21. Shopkeeper: Good morning. ? Customer: No, thank you. I am just looking.

    1. Can I help you 2. What do you want 3. What would you do 4. May I have attention

    22. A: Excuse me, you are taking my seat. B: . Its my mistake.

    1. Just kidding. 2. Thats alright. 3. Im so sorry. 4. Never mind.

  • 2557 11

    Directions: Read each situation and dialogue carefully. Choose the correct answer to each question. 23. Sara: I still have a fever so I need to stay longer at the hospital. Jim: Sorry to hear that. _________________________ .

    1. Congratulations. 2. Get better soon. 3. Youre welcome. 4. Have a safe trip.

    24. Susan: I forgot my pen _________________________________ ? Linda: Certainly.

    1. Would you like one 2. Could I borrow yours 3. Could I give it to you 4. Would I lend you one

    25. Jenny: __________________________________? Thomas: Here you are. Jenny: Thank you.

    Thomas: Youre welcome. 1. How much does it cost 2. What would you like to drink 3. Would you like some medicines 4. Would you pass me the pepper, please

    26. Situation: At the party Jack: Henry, _________ Mark, this is Henry. Mark: Im glad to meet you. Henry: Im glad to meet you, too.

    1. How do you do? 2. Would you like to meet my friend? 3. I would like to introduce my friend 4. What would you like to know about Mark?

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    27. Situation: There is a car crash on the street. Three men are talking about it. Policeman: Could anyone tell me what happened here? Driver A: Yes, _________________________________ Driver B: Yes, he did. Its an accident. Policeman: O.K. Lets go to the police station.

    1. I tried to drive as fast as I can. 2. I couldnt remember anything. 3. I couldnt tell you now. I need my lawyer. 4. I tried to stop the car but my brake didnt work.

    28. Situation: Teacher and student are in front of class. Mr. Tom: Do you understand this English news? A student: ________________________________ Mr. Tom: You dont have to apologize. Let me explain it again. A student: Thank you very much, Sir.

    1. I understand it very well, Sir. 2. I have no idea about that, Sir. 3. I dont even take a look at it, Sir. 4. I am very sorry, Sir. I dont understand at all.

    29. A: What is the eighth month of the year? B:

    1. March. 2. August. 3. November. 4. September.

    30. Situation: On the phone. Jame: Hello, James is speaking. Tony: May I speak to John, please? Jame: John? I dont know him. Tony: ..

    1. Dont worry. I do. 2. OK, I will talk to him. 3. Thank you very much. 4. Im sorry, Ive got the wrong number.

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    31. A: Let me buy you a cup of coffee. B: . A: Dont worry. A drink won't take long. Come on.

    1. Oh, I'm hungry. 2. I'm really in a hurry. 3. Id love too but I like tea. 4. I'm sorry. I don't know anything about it.

    32. A: Excuse me, Im looking for the parking lot. B: Its on the main street. A: Thank you so much. B: .

    1. Okay. 2. You too. 3. Never mind! 4. Youre welcome.

    33. Teacher: ___________________. Supha: Here you are.

    1. Please stand in line. 2. Please work in groups. 3. Please open the window. 4. Please hand in your homework to me, now

    34. In the classroom, what would you say if you want to drink some water? 1. May I help you? 2. May I borrow a pen? 3. May I go out, please? 4. May I come in, please?

    35. Tim: Hello, this is Smile tour. May I help you? John: _______________ Tim: Yes, Im speaking.

    1. Can Tim speak, please? 2. Will Tim speak English? 3. Should Tim and I speak? 4. May I speak to Tim, please?

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    36. Jim: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the post office? Tam: ........................................

    1. See you later. 2. Go to the bank. 3. Waste of my time. 4. Go straight on and turn right.

    37. Situation: In an English class. Peter needs to go to the toilet. Peter: Excuse me. May I go out, please? Miss Linda: ___________________. Peter: Thank you.

    1. Dont worry 2. No, of course not 3. Yes, you may 4. Im afraid you can not.

    Directions: Read the conversation and answer the question from 38-39 Librarian: Good afternoon. _____38_____ Lisa: Yes, please. Im looking for an Aesops Fable. Librarian: Alright. Go straight on. There are some on the bookshelves in the left corner. Lisa: Thank you for your kindness. Librarian: _____39_____

    38. 1. What do you want? 2. Whatre you doing? 3. Can I help you? 4. May I come in?

    39. 1. Its my job. 2. Dont worry. 3. See you later. 4. Its my pleasure.

  • 2557 15

    40. Marry: What time do you usually get up? Peter: Its..

    1. a quarter to seven. 2. ten kilos and a half. 3. one hundred and fifty centimeters. 4. two thousand and fourteen.

    41. A: Where do you come from? B: I come from China. A: What is your ______________________? B: I am Chinese .

    1. religion 2. favorite color 3. nationality 4. school name

    42. Joe: ? Nan: Ill be twelve on August 27th.

    1. When will you be twelve 2. When were you born 3. When will your next birthday 4. When is your birthday

    43. Mike: What does Mary look like? Ted: ..

    1. She is tall and slim 2. She looks for her dad. 3. She is nineteen years old 4. She looks at the lovely girl

    44. Sumalee: Where does Manas mother work? Ladda: ....................................

    1. She works happily. 2. She works as a nurse. 3. She works with her uncle. 4. She works in the health center

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    45. 1. Id love it. 2. I dont like movie. 3. Im afraid not, Im busy. 4. Sorry, I have to do my homework.

    46. How is the weather like?

    1. Its cold. 3. Its windy. 2. Its rainy. 4. Its cloudy.

    47. Joe: Theres a new Japanese restaurant at the corner. Mike: Really? Have you tried it? Joe: Of course, I went there yesterday. Mike: How was it? Joe: _________.

    1. You can walk there 2. It isnt far from here 3. My friend is a waiter there 4. The food is good and cheap

    48. Nan: ______________________ Thomas: 17 Ratchadamnoen Road, Bangkok.

    1. Who live here? 2. Is that your house? 3. Where is your house? 4. When is your birthday?

    Nisa : James, Im going to the cinema tomorrow. Would you like to go with me? James: .. . See you there.

    Jane: Mom, Im going out. Mother: Look, the sky is dark. Take an umbrella with you. Jane: O.K. Thank you.

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    49. Sally: ____________________ David: Im twelve years old.

    1. How tall are you? 2. How old are you? 3. How much do you weight? 4. How many months in a year?

    50. I went to school late because I ________. 1. woke up early 2. failed the test 3. missed the bus 4. drove too fast

    51. I can't open my drawer because I _________. 1. had a key 2. lost my keys 3. found a dollar 4. bought a new shirt

    52. Which sentence is incorrect? 1. The teachers work in school. 2. The nurses work in the hospital. 3. The soldiers work in the post office. 4. The sellers work in the supermarket.

    53. Which are the colors of the rainbow? 1. white grey gold 2. blue black brown 3. pink purple green 4. red orange yellow

    54. Which animal doesnt eat meat? 1. bear 2. tiger 3. horse 4. alligator

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    55. Teacher: How do you save the earth? Student: I .

    1. use plastic bag. 2. grow more trees. 3. turn on the light all day 4. throw the garbage into the river.

    David: Which sport is the most exciting? Helen: I think 56 is the most exciting. How about you? David: I think 57 is the most exciting.

    56. 1. cooking 2. surfing 3. singing 4. studying

    57. 1. reading 2. sleeping 3. shouting 4. skateboarding David: Whats wrong with you? Helen: I 58 my leg. I cant go cycling. David: If you take a rest, you 59 go cycling in a week. 58. 1. hurt

    2. long 3. cold

    4. beautiful

    59. 1. do 2. did 3. will 4. can

  • 2557 19

    60. Dont lock the door, because I dont have the ________ . 1. key 2. roof 3. ceiling 4. window

    61. His teacher punished him because he __________. 1. lost my keys 2. found a dollar 3. passed the test 4. forgot his homework

    62. We should wear sunglasses if it is _____________. 1. rainy 2. windy 3. sunny 4. cloudy

    63. Susan cant reach the light because ............................ .

    1. she is young. 2. she is too tall . 3. she isnt tall enough. 4. she isnt young enough.

    64. Today is a valentines Day. John cant find any rose for Liza. So what can he give to her?

    1. Money 2. Pumkin 3. Picture 4. Chocolate

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    65. Situation: Tom passed the exam to a new school. What should you say to him?

    1. Its fine. 2. Its Okay. 3. Thats good. 4. Congratulations.

    66. Cathy: Hi Dan, Why do you look so sad? Dan: I lost my bike. Cathy:

    1. Buy a new one. 2. Tell your father. 3. Dont mention it. 4. Sorry to hear that.

    67. Situation: At night The children wear customs. They go around from house to house. They knock on the door

    and say trick or treat what should you give to the children? 1. Give them some roses. 2. Give them some eggs. 3. Give them some milk. 4. Give them some candies.

    68. Situation: At home Nancy: Bill, lets buy some flowers for mom. Bill: I think we should give jasmine flowers to her. Nancy: Thats a good idea. Which day is this conversation on?

    1. Birthday 2. Valentines 3. Mothers Day 4. Christmas Day

    69. Which one is correct? 1. Cake Easter Day 2. Roses Halloween Day 3. Pumpkin Valentine Day 4. Santa Claus Christmas Day

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    70. You are talking with Sam in the morning. You: You do not look so well. What happened? Sam: My younger brother was sick and taken to the hospital last night. You: . .

    1. Here you are. 2. Youre welcome. 3. Dont mention it. 4. Im sorry to hear that

    71. American people when they greet each other. 1. nod their heads 2. touch their ears 3. shake their hands 4. show their tongues

    72. Thai people usually use spoons and forks, but English people use . 1. chopsticks and forks 2. spoons and knives 3. chopsticks and knives 4. forks and knives

    73. On Sunday, Thai people usually go to temple and Christian people go to church. What do you learn from this passage?

    1. Food 2. Career 3. Sports 4. Religion

    74. Your teacher is carrying a lot of books. You want to help her, what should you say?

    1. May I help you? 2. Are they English books? 3. What subject do you teach? 4. Which class do you like most?

  • 2557 22

    75. Pop: You do not look very well. Whats wrong with you? Bell: Im not O.K. Im very hungry. From the conversation, they should go to .. .

    1. the toilet 2. the library 3. the canteen 4. the nurses office

    76. Mike: It is windy, would you please close the window? Pim: Sure! Mike: .. .

    1. Yes 2. Not at all 3. Thanks a lot 4. Youre welcome

    77. At the canteen Seller: Can I help you? Mana: I would like a can of cola. Seller: Here you are. Mana: . Seller: Its 15 baht.

    1. How about it? 2. How old is it? 3. How much is it? 4. How do you like it?

    78. Jimmy: When is the Halloween day? Kate: .

    1. 1st January. 2. 14th February. 3. 31st October. 4. 25th December.

  • 2557 23

    79. Jack is a Christian. What does he do on Sunday? 1. Goes to the gym. 2. Goes to the church 3. Goes to the temple 4. Goes to the shopping mall

    80. Which is the set of things that you should prepare for Valentines day? 1. cake, gift, stockings. 2. card, rose, chocolate. 3. pumpkin, mask, candy. 4. turkey, egg, chocolate.

    81. Your friend get the highest scores in English test. What should you say to your friend? 1. Whats a pity! 2. Get well soon. 3. Congratulations! 4. How beautiful it is!

    82. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. Dont forget to buyfor cooking. 1. ostrich and onions 2. duck and tomatoes 3. turkey and pumpkins 4. chicken and potatoes

    83. He goes to school by bus.Which sentence has the same structure? 1. They buy the car. 2. They bought the car. 3. They will buy the car. 4. They are buying the car.

    84. When youre in western country, you should not wear hat in a church, but in Thailand you should not ..

    1. wear shorts in the temple. 2. wear long skirt in the temple. 3. wear uniform to go to temple. 4. wear long pants in the temple.

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    85. Thai people eat rice for their meals, while the western people often eat .. 1. roti 2. sushi 3. bread 4. noodles

    86. Noina wants to go to the toilet. How does she tell the teacher? 1. May I come in, please? 2. May I go out, please? 3. May I stand up, please? 4. May I borrow your book, please?

    Teacher: What do you study at 10 to 12? Pon: English and Art. Teacher: What time is P.E.? Pon: Science starts at 1 p.m. We study Science for 2 hours. After that its P.E. 87. From the conversation, what sentence is incorrect?

    1. Pon studies P.E. at 4 oclock. 2. Pon has P.E. in the afternoon. 3. Pon studies Science for two hours. 4. Pon has English and Art in the morning.

    88. It is windy. What should the teacher say to the student who sits near the window? 1. Open the window, please. 2. Close the window, please. 3. Go to the window, please. 4. Clean the window, please.

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    89. In the classroom Dan: .. Teacher: Yes. Please clean the whiteboard for me. Thank you, Dan. Youre so kind. What did Dan say to the teacher?

    1. Can I go out? 2. Can I help you? 3. Can I ask you a question? 4. Can I move the desk?

    90. What should the visitor say?

    1. Trick or treat! 2. Get well soon! 3. Congratulations! 4. Sorry to hear that.

    91. Which is the suitable pair? 1. Easter Day - Decorated Eggs Thanksgiving day - Giving presents 2. Valentines Day - Roses/Chocolate

    Boxing Day - Telling funny stories 3. Christmas Day - Dinner with family

    Mothers Day - Carving pumpkins 4. New Year Eve - Cheerful Party and welcome the coming year,

    April Fools day - Celebrating with various acts of foolishness

    92. Which sentence is correct? 1. I have to wear a long black dress that to welcome party. 2. I have to wear, long black that dress to the party welcome. 3. I have to wear that long black dress to the welcome party. 4. I have to wear, that black long dress to the party welcome.

  • 2557 26

    93. Which pair has the same vowel sound as loud 1. loss, shout 2. crown, boil 3. town, cloud 4. bounce, hot

    94. What should you tell your English friends, before they get into your house? 1. Open the window please. 2. Switch off your telephone. 3. Take off your shoes, please. 4. Knock the door before come in.

    95. What are the same types of festival? 1. Songkran Day - New Year Eve 2. Halloween Day Mothers Day 3. Valentines Day - Loy Krathong Day 4. Christmas Day - Children Day

    96. Situation : At the language school Mena: When will you leave for America? Jeffy: Tomorrow, You can visit me if you have time. Mena: Of course. Jeffy: Good. Drop me a line.

    What does the underlined phrase mean? 1. Call me. 2. Dont forget me. 3. Write a letter/mail me. 4. See me off at the airport.

    97. Which pair is incorrect? 1. A. Rooms: Kitchen, bed B. Times: meal, afternoon 2. A. Subjects: English, History B. Sports: swimming, tennis 3. A. Travels: flight, Sky train B. Places: temple, mosque 4. A. Animals: Penda, Leopard B. Things: rice cooker, stationary

    98. Sam: Would you like some cake? Lee: ..

    1. Its true. 3. I dont know. 2. No, thanks. 4. No, I wouldnt.

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    99. What would you like to do on Halloween day? 1. Give roses 3. Find coloured eggs

    2. Wear ghost masks 4. Have a big dinner

    100. Which sentence has the same meaning as ? 1. A big brown chair 3. A chair brown big

    2. A brown big chair 4. A chair big brown

    101. Which Thai sentence has the same meaning as He paid attention to all lessons.? 1. 2. 3. 4.

    102. When does family get together? 1. Easter Day Loy Krathong Day 2. Thanksgiving Day Songkran Day 3. Valentines Day VisakhaBucha Day 4. Halloween Day Royal Ploughing Day

    103. How important is Christmas Day the same as VisakhaBucha Day? 1. Celebrating the birth 2. Beginning of planting 3. The first day of the year 4. Expressing the gratitude of God

    Situation: Sam and Winai are talking about their free time. Sam: What did you do last weekend? Winai: (104).. Sam: How long did you spend there? Winai: (105)..

    104. 1. I lost my puppy. 3. I went to the library. 2. I didnt feel well. 4. I came from Chonburi.

    105. 1. After lunch. 3. This morning. 2. Next month. 4. Two hours a day.

  • 2557 28

    Situation: Ted is asking Pam to draw a picture for him in art class. Ted: Can you draw pictures well? Pam: Sure. But I .(106)... only for you. What are you going to draw? Ted: .(107) a basket of fruits.

    106. 1. make 3. will make 2. sketch 4. will sketch

    107. 1. I make 3. Im going to draw 2. I point to 4. Im going to make

    108. John: ., can you tell me where the museum is? Jill: Its at the end of the street.

    1. Excuse me 2. Do you know 3. Congratulations 4. Nice to meet you

    109. Tomorrow is Halloween Day. Jack and Jim go to The Mall to buy things for decoration. What will they buy?

    1. Pumpkins and Bags 2. Roses and Balloons 3. Black cat dolls and Ribbons 4. Ghost masks and Witch hats

    110. Preecha met Mr. Jackson on the way home. He introduces his son to Mr. Jackson. Preecha: Nut: Hello Mr. Johnson. My name is Nut Mr. Johnson: Hello, Nut

    1. Hi, how are you? 2. Hello, Mr. Jackson. 3. Nut, this is Mr. Jackson. 4. Mr. Jackson, this is my son.

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    111. At Suwannabhumi Airport. You met a tourist who lost the way. How do you talk to him?

    1. Hello. How are you? 2. Hello. Can I help you? 3. How have you been? 4. Hello. Can you help me?

    Situation: In the class Teacher: Nancy, turn the TVs volume down, please. Nancy: ____112_____ Teacher: I said turn the volume down, please. Nancyi: ____113____ Sorry, I didnt hear you. 112. 1. Pardon?

    2. What? 3. How? 4. What for?

    113. 1. All right. 2. Forgot it. 3. Never mind. 4. No, of course not.

    114. Thomas: Can I borrow your calculator? John: _________________________

    1. Yes, please. 2. No, not at all. 3. Im sorry. Im using it. 4. I dont know. Im using it.

    115. Situation: After school Kate is talking to Peter. Kate: Would you like to join the ride? Peter: _________________ When shall we meet?

    Kate: About 4.30? Peter: O.k. See you there.

    1. Thanks. That sounds fun. 2. Do you know a great place to ride? 3. Im sorry. Ive a lot of homework to do. 4. I dont like riding. How about swimming?

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    (116-118) Dear Andrew,

    Hello! My name is Jedsada Churthong. I am a boy. I come from Thailand. I am 11 years old. I am 143 cms tall and I weigh 40 kilos. My birthday is on October 27th. My ___116.___sports are playing football, basketball and badminton. My pets are dog and goldfish. I am a student at Sriwittayapaknam School. My favourite ____117.____ are English, Gym and Computer Studies. My school has 3 big computer rooms, 1 playground, a lot of classrooms, toilets and a First Aid room. My fathers name is Phichit Churthong. He works on a ship. My mothers name is Varunee Churthong. I ____118.____ in SamutPrakan Province. I hope you will write soon and can you give me your picture please? Goodbye!

    Jedsada Churthong (Sprite)

    116. 1. lovely 2. favourite 3. enjoyable 4. interested

    117. 1. sports 2. hobbies 3. teachers 4. subjects

    118. 1. Live 2. lived

    3. will live 4. am living

    119. If you want to say 1 , what will you say in English? 1. I want a red beautiful shirt. 2. I want a beautiful red shirt. 3. I want a shirt red beautiful. 4. I want a shirt red and beautiful.

  • 2557 31

    120. John: Excuse me, do you mind if I open the window? Tom: . John: Thank you.

    1. Yes, I do. 2. Never mind. 3. Yes, of course. 4. Of course not.

    121. We always . to school by bus. 1. go 2. goes 3. went 4. gone

    122. Sammy has got , so she has to see the dentist. 1. a headache 2. a backache 3. a toothache 4. a stomachache

    123. Situation: Anna is a new student for this class. Joe: Hello, my name is Joe. How do you do? Anna: Hello, my name is Anna.

    1. Im fine. 2. How are you? 3. How do you do? 4. Im from England.

    124. Tim: Ouch! What happened to Tim?

    1. He had a cold. 2. He got a present. 3. He won the lottery. 4. He was stung by a bee.

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    125. Which pair is correct? 1. pencil black big table 2. pencil black table big 3. black pencil big table 4. black pencil table big

    126. Which sentence is not related to? 1. I am ill. 2. He is okay. 3. She is fine. 4. We are well.

    127. Which sentence is correct? 1. John can play football very well. 2. John can play football very good. 3. John can plays football very well. 4. John could plays football very well.

    128. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING POEM. "Roses are red, but sometimes theyre yellow, and some people give you them just to say ."

    1. hello 2. goodbye 3. welcome 4. thank you

    129. This sign says " " . 1. You couldn't turn right. 2. You could turn left ahead. 3. You have to turn left now. 4. You need to turn right here.

    130. The sign tells you to . 1. speed up your car. 2. stop your car here. 3. reduce your speed. 4. drive as fast as you can.

  • 2557 33

    131. What does the sign mean? 1. Bikes are not allowed here. 2. The lane is for the bike only. 3. You shouldn't ride in a bike lane. 4. You can ride in a motorcycle lane.

    132. This sign means " " 1. The door is closed. 2. You can go out this way. 3. You can come in this way. 4. There is an entrance here.

    133. This sign says " " 1. There is no speed limit. 2. Drive over fifty kilometers per hour. 3. Drive under fifty kilometers per hour. 4. There is a speed limit fifty kilometers ahead.

    134. What does this sign mean? 1. Food cannot be sold here. 2. There is a place to eat here. 3. The convenience store is available here. 4. There are no restaurants around this area.

    135. When you see this sign at a museum, you . 1. can sell any food in the area. 2. can buy any food in this area. 3. must not take your food out of the area. 4. must take your food into the area.

    136. At a gas station, you . 1. should not use your mobile phone. 2. should bring your mobile phone inside. 3. should leave your mobile phone outside. 4. should not keep your mobile phone ringing.

  • 2557 34

    137. The sign says " " . 1. Do not park here. 2. Do not push the door. 3. Do not play around this area. 4. Do not plant trees in this area.

    138. Where can you see this sign? 1. At a school 2. At a church 3. At a temple 4. At a hospital

    139. Where can you see this sign? 1. At the house 2. At the airport 3. At the freeway 4. On the river

    140. Where can you see this sign? 1. At the park 2. At the school 3. At the restaurant 4. At the bus station

    141. What can you do when you see this sign? 1. You can post a letter. 2. You can send an e-mail. 3. You can take a postcard. 4. You can buy some envelopes.

    142. When a bus driver finds this sign, which of the followings is the most appropriate? 1. The driver should stop the bus. 2. The driver could drive through. 3. The driver has to reduce speed. 4. The driver has to change the route.

  • 2557 35

    143. When you see this sign, what could you not do? 1. Leave a plastic bag. 2. Keep the glass bottle. 3. Use both sides of paper. 4. Plant a green bean in a can.

    144. Look at the map, how many banks can you withdraw money from?

    1. 3 places 2. 4 places 3. 5 places 4. 6 places

    145. Your friend is very hungry. Which sign can help you find a restaurant?


    2. .



  • 2557 36

    146. Which sign can you see at the airport?




    4. 147. You and your deaf friend are at a zoo. The zookeeper says Don not feed the animals. Which sign will help your friend understand the message?

    1. 2.

    3. 4.

  • 2557 37

    148. According to the sign, what will happen on Tuesday?

    1. It will be a rainy day. 2. It will be a sunny day. 3. It will be a windy day. 4. It will be a cloudy day.

    149. What will a boy do when seeing this sign at the school? 1. He will avoid the path. 2. He will skate on the path. 3. He will jump on the sign. 4. He will continue walking.

    150. What is this product used for? 1. Washing dishes 2. Washing clothes 3. Washing cars 4. Taking a bath

    151. What is the best statement for this symbol?

    1. "Its good to have a party." 2. "Its not bad to drink wine." 3. "Its good to drink non-alcohol." 4. "Its not bad to buy some alcohol."

    Directions: Read the passages and answer questions (152 154).

    Penguins have to be able to survive in the some of the Earth's coldest and windiest conditions. They are great swimmers and have thick layers of fat to protect them from the bitter cold. Even in their freezing cold habitats, penguins still have to watch out for predators such as killer whales and seals.

  • 2557 38

    152. What is the reason that makes penguins survive in the Earth's coldest conditions? 1. They are predators. 2. They are great swimmers. 3. They have strong bodies. 4. They have thick layers of fat.

    153. What makes penguins difficult to live? 1. weather 2. predators 3. swimming 4. finding foods

    154. In which continent can you see penguins? 1. Asia 2. Africa 3. Australia 4. Antarctic

    Directions: Read the passage and answer the question (155-157).

    There are many kinds of fish. There are big fish, small fish, long fish, and short fish.

    People know about 25,000 different kinds of fish. There are probably 15,000 kinds of fish that people do not know about. There are many colors of fish. There are red fish, blue fish, yellow fish, and white fish.

    Fish do not all eat the same things. Some fish eat flies or other bugs. Some eat plants

    like seaweed. Some eat worms. Some fish eat other fish. The fastest fish can swim almost 110 kilometers per hour. Thats fast! The heaviest fish weighs 15 tons. Thats very heavy! The longest fish are sharks. Sharks can be 17 feet long. Thats very long! The smallest fish is less than 1/3 inch long. Thats very small! Fish can see, feel, and taste. Some fish can smell. Some can hear sounds in the water. Fish can feel pain. When they get hurt, it feels bad.

  • 2557 39

    155. A word that means the same things as the word kind is __________ 1. type 2. color 3. name 4. number

    156. How fast can the fastest fish swim? 1. forty kilometers per hour 2. fifty kolometers per hour 3. ninety kilometers per hour 4. one hundred and ten kilometers per hour

    157. What is the best title of this passage? 1. Fish 2. Different kinds of fish 3. How big fish are! 4. What size of fish

    Directions: Read the passage below and answer questions (158 160).

    Dan is going on a trip to the mountains. He wants to pack his bag. He puts a toothbrush, a map, boots, a camera and a book in the bag. He closes the bag, but it cannot close. Dan takes the boots out of the bag. He puts them on his feet. Snap! Snap! Now the bag can close. Dan is ready to go!

    158. What is the best title for this passage?

    1. Dan Packs His Bag 2. Dan Cannot Close the Bag 3. Dans Trip to the Mountain 4. Dan Puts a Camera in the Bag

    159. If you pack a bag, this means you _______. 1. put things into it 2. snap things off it 3. open and close it 4. take things out of it

  • 2557 40

    160. Using the things in the bag, Dan can _________ on the trip. 1. go fishing 2. make a tent 3. take pictures 4. climb the mountain

    Directions: Read the fable below and answer the questions (161 162).

    161. What is the best moral of the fable? 1. Think before you act. 2. We should have mercy on animals. 3. Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs. 4. Whats sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

    162. From the fable, the man and his wife should have 1. left the goose into the forest. 2. taken good care of the goose. 3. sold the goose for more money. 4. looked for a new goose that could lay more eggs.

    163. John cannot go anywhere, because he lost his car key. Now he is looking for it because he cann't remember where he put it.

    The world "looking for" can be best replaced by 1. finding 2. selling 3. seeing 4. keeping

    The Goose with the Golden Eggs Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the good luck to have a goose that could lay golden eggs. Every day, the goose would lay three golden eggs. One day, the man thought he would be able to get rich at once if he could have all the golden eggs inside the goose. So he and his wife decided to kill the goose for more golden eggs. But they got nothing.

  • 2557 41

    164. Jane is starving, so she is ordering two hamburgers. The word "starving " has the same meaning as

    1. lucky 2. thirsty 3. happy 4. hungry

    165. This is an amazing device. It's small. You can communicate with your friend who is far away from you by using it. What's the amazing device?

    1. a radio 2. a television 3. a microphone 4. a mobile phone

    Directions: Read the news below and answer the questions (166 167).

    Its A Short Mans World September 20, 2010 - 24 year old Edward Nino Hernandez of Colombia has been named the world's shortest living man by the Guinness Book of World Records. Edward is 70 cm tall, weighs 10 kg and has not grown since he was 2 years old. His mother said doctors do not know why he stopped growing.

    ( : //www.gogonews.com/posts-It%92s+A+Short+Man%92s+World-1043.html)

    166. What is the main idea of the news? 1. Edward Nino Hernandez lives in Columbia. 2. Edward Nino Hernandez is the shortest man in the world. 3. Edward Nino Hernandez was interviewed on September 20, 2010. 4. Edward Nino Hernandez hasn't grown up since he was 2 years old.

    167. According to the passage, which of the followings is true? 1. His mother is only 70 cm tall and 10 kg now. 2. Edward Nino Hernandez is two years old now. 3. Doctors does not understand why he stopped growing. 4. Edward Nino Hernandez was born on September 20, 2010.


  • 2557 42

    168. Complete the poem below.

    "Please pick me!", Arnie would cry each time the pickers sauntered by. "I want to go inside with you!", cried Arnie till he turned .

    1. gray 2. sad 3. blue 4. cold

    169. What does this sign show? 1. Florio can get some drinks. 2. Thomas can check the luggage weight. 3. Sandy can wait for the plane taking off. 4. John can buy some souvenirs for his friends.

    170. What do tourists do when they see this symbol? 1. The tourists often asks for information 2. The tourists can exchange bank notes 3. The tourists will get a boarding pass. 4. The tourists should show a passport.

    171. When you see this sign, what will you see near byr? 1. You will face an elevator. 2. You will stop at a restroom. 3. You will see a luggage claim. 4. You will find a money exchange.

    172. What does this sign mean? 1. No Coffee. 2. No Drinking. 3. No fork and spoon. 4. No food and drink.

  • 2557 43

    173. Where can you see this sign?

    1. In the park 2. In the library 3. In the airport 4. In the canteen

    174. Where can you see this sign?

    1. At school 2. At hospital 3. At market 4. At shopping mall

    175. Which product do you usually see this label on?

    1. clothes 2. furniture 3. IT accessories 4. Food and beverage

  • 2557 44

    Directions: Read this passage and answer questions (176-177). Corn is the most popular crop in the United States. Corn grows almost everywhere. China, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, India and France grow lots of corn, but the US grows the most.

    Corn is an important food in many countries. People use corn flour, called cornmeal, to make baked foods. People also eat cornflakes. At first, people ate cornflakes only in the United States. Now people eat cornflakes all over the world.

    176. Which country grows the most corn? 1. The United States 2. Argentina 3. Brazil 4. India

    177. What do people do with corn meal? 1. Add it to gas 2. Bake with it 3. Feed it to pigs 4. Make food sweet

    178. Look at this sign, read the situation and answer. Situation: On the way to the national park with your friends, you are driving fast and your friends see this sign at the road. What should your friend say to you?

    1. Please stop, I would like to see the koalas. 2. Shall we take a photo with the koalas? 3. Slowly please, you will hit the koalas. 4. Look! The koalas are walking cross the road.

  • 2557 45















    n m



    d c




    Chart of population in Asia

    179. This is Jim Smiths family tree Jim Nancy

    Noot Sak Nid Wang May Dawid Rose Sam Som Sandy Bob John

    Which sentence is correct? 1. Nancy is Davids wife. 2. Jim has seven children. 3. Som is Sak and Nids son. 4. Sandy has three brothers.

    Directions: Look at the chart and answer the questions (180-181).

    Laos Malaysia China Thailand 1= one million 2= two million Men Woman Children 180. Which country has the most population?

    1. Laos 2. Malaysia 3. China 4. Thailand

  • 2557 46

    181. Which sentence is incorrect? 1. Laos has the men more than China. 2. Malaysia has the children as much as Laos. 3. Thailand has 5 million children. 4. China has the men less than Malaysia.

    Dan Rebecca

    182. Is Rebecca happy?

    1. Yes, because she isnt tired. 2. Yes, because she saved 2,000 bath. 3. No, because she saved 3,000 bath. 4. No, because she must pay 3,000 baht to have the floor refinished.

    Directions: Please read this passage and then answer the questions (183-186).

    Airline Route Day Departure Arrival Fare

    Air Asia Bangkok-Chiang Mai Daily 08.15 09.10 1,500 Bangkok-Phuket Daily 09.45 10.45 1,900

    Nok Air Bangkok- Chiang Mai Tue, Thur 07.25 08.25 2,500 Bangkok-Samui Mon, Wed, Fri 09.00 10.05 2,800

    Thai Airways Chiang Mai- Phuket Thur, Sat 07.10 08.35 4,700 Chiang Mai-Samui Sat, Su 08.05 09.10 4,400

    Bangkok Airways Chiang Mai-Phuket Fri, Sat, Su 10.10 11.20 4,600 Chiang Rai-Samui Fri, Sat, Su 09.05 10.20 4,700

    Condition: 1. Promotion ticket : Non change, Non refund, No upgrade 2. Airlines reserve the right to change schedule and fare without prior notice.

    Ill bet I saved 2,000 baht by painting this room myself.

    And itll probably cost us 3,000 baht to have the floor refinished

  • 2557 47

    183. What is the schedule about? 1. Letter 2. Flight details 3. Job position 4. Advertisement

    184. From Bangkok to Chiang Mai, which airline is the cheapest? 1. Nok Air 2. Air Asia 3. Thai Airways 4. Bangkok Airways

    185. From Chiang Mai to Phuket, which airline takes the longest time? 1. Nok Air 2. Air Asia 3. Thai Airways 4. Bangkok Airways

    186. If you want to arrive Chiang Mai before 9.00, which airline can you take? 1. Air Asia 2. Nok Air 3. Thai Airways 4. Bangkok Airways

    187. Mark: Im bored. Lets do something fun! Ben: Okay lets do a puzzle Mark: Doing a puzzle is boring. Ben: Okay, Lets listen to music. Mark: I want to play outside, not inside

    Mark wants to.. 1. sing a song. 2. go to bed. 3. play tennis. 4. play video game.

  • 2557 48

    188. You are important for living things. They couldnt live without you. All living things always see you in the morning and then you go back in the evening everyday What does you mean?

    1. The sun. 2. The moon. 3. The Earth. 4. The stars.

    189. At home Mom: Jack, what do you want to do this weekend? Jack: Well, I want to.. I like adventure. What kind of activity does Jack want to do?

    1. go hiking. 2. go to the library. 3. go shopping. 4. go to the cinema.

    190. Which subjects does he like?

    1. Geography. 2. History. 3. Maths. 4. Physical Education.

    A. Suda gets up early. B. Suda arrives at school. C. Suda goes to school by bus. D. Suda has breakfast with her mother.

    191. Which is correct? 1. A-D-C-B 2. B-C-A-D 3. A-C-D-B 4. D-C-A-B

    Hi, My name is Ken. I live in England. I am twelve years old. I study at Green Volley School. I like to play football. I study two subjects in the morning and three in the afternoon.

  • 2557 49

    192. Which one is in the correct order?

    1. E-C-D-B-A 2. D-A-C-B-E 3. B-E-C-D-A 4. B-D-C-A-E

    193. The ass, the fox, the tiger and the giraffe are . . 1. pets 2. sea animals 3. wild animals 4. farm animals

    194. Nid likes ____________. She loves drawing and painting. 1. Art 2. Thai 3. P.E. 4. Music

    195. Chai sits near the _______. He is fishing. 1. tree 2. river 3. park 4. market

    A. Pour some vegetable oil into the pan. B. Broken four eggs into a bowl. C. Put the pan on the stove. D. Stir eggs, mix with fish sauce. E. Put the eggs in the hot oil.

  • 2557 50

    From 196-199: Read this passage then complete the application Form Column A

    Dan Thomson was born on March 17, 1999. He is now 15 years old.

    He is American. He lives at 20, Zia Road. You can call him on 0-2- 9-5-4-double 7, 8-9. Besides running, he always swims. He wants to join in a race before he becomes 16.

    Column B

    Application Form for Running Race :Suksadee School Sports Center

    Name : _______________196______________________

    (Family Name first) Age : ________197_______Nationality : ________198________

    Telephone number ______________199______________

    196. 1. Dan 3. Dan Thomson

    2. Thomson Dan 4. Thomson

    197. 1. 17 3. 16 2. 16 4. 14

    198. 1. Thai 3. Thailand 2. America 4. American

    199. 1. 014597191 3. 029547789 2. 029450191 4. 029452789

  • 2557 51

    200. There are 100 students in Grade 6. 45 students like science. 30 students like English. 10 students like math. 10 students like P.E. 5 students like art. Which graph is correct?

    1. 3.

    2. 4.





















  • 2557 52


    1 3 32 4 63 3 94 3 125 3 156 4 187 3 2 3 33 4 64 4 95 1 126 1 157 2 188 1 3 3 34 3 65 4 96 3 127 1 158 1 189 1 4 4 35 4 66 4 97 1 128 1 159 1 190 4 5 3 36 4 67 4 98 2 129 4 160 3 191 1 6 2 37 3 68 3 99 2 130 3 161 3 192 4 7 2 38 3 69 2 100 1 131 2 162 2 193 3 8 2 39 4 70 4 101 4 132 2 163 1 194 1 9 2 40 1 71 3 102 2 133 3 164 4 195 2 10 3 41 3 72 4 103 1 134 2 165 4 196 2 11 1 42 1 73 4 104 3 135 3 166 2 197 2 12 4 43 1 74 1 105 4 136 1 167 3 198 4 13 3 44 4 75 3 106 4 137 1 168 3 199 3 14 3 45 1 76 3 107 3 138 4 169 1 200 1 15 2 46 4 77 3 108 1 139 2 170 2

    16 2 47 4 78 3 109 4 140 2 171 1 17 2 48 3 79 2 110 3 141 2 172 4 18 4 49 2 80 2 111 2 142 2 173 2 19 3 50 3 81 3 112 1 143 1 174 2 20 3 51 2 82 3 113 3 144 2 175 4 21 1 52 3 83 1 114 3 145 1 176 1 22 3 53 4 84 1 115 1 146 2 177 2 23 2 54 3 85 3 116 2 147 3 178 3 24 2 55 2 86 2 117 4 148 1 179 3 25 4 56 1 87 1 118 1 149 1 180 4 26 3 57 4 88 2 119 2 150 2 181 4 27 4 58 1 89 2 120 4 151 3 182 4 28 4 59 4 90 2 121 1 152 4 183 2 29 2 60 1 91 4 122 3 153 2 184 2 30 4 61 4 92 3 123 3 154 4 185 3 31 2 62 3 93 3 124 4 155 1 186 2

  • 2557 53

    6 1. 3 Im afraid he is not here Would you like to leave a message? B

    1. Mr.Robert is speaking. 2. Mr.Robert is at the office. 4. Mr.Robert is writing a message. : //learnenglish.nabia10.com/conversation/con18.html

    2. 3 Its half past nine 09.30 .

    1. = 09.05 .

    2. = 06.45 .

    4. = 06.15 . : //learnenglish.nabia10.com/conversation/con22.html

    3. 3 Jenny Tom I will go there too! Tom SilomStreet ()

    1. the park - 2. the bank - 4. the museum -

    : //learnenglish.nabia10.com/conversation/con44.html 4. 4 Pim needs a flower for the science class. Pim

    Joy Joy

    1 Pim has only one flower. Pim 2 Joy borrows a flower from Pim. Joy Pim

    Pim Joy

  • 2557 54

    3 Pim doesn't like to learn science. Pim Pim I dont want to be in the class now. ( Pim )

    5. 3 Part of plants. () ( 1.1) 1 Reflection of mirror 2 Life of animals 4 Push-pull

    6. 2 At a hospital ( ) Keem Oom (There are a lot of patients.) 4

    1 at a bus stop 3 at the market 4 at a garden

    7. 2 Judy

    1. Yes, she does. She will drive to the city. 3. No, she doesnt. She doesnt listen to Henry. 4. No, she doesnt. She doesnt agree with Henry.

    8. 2 Judy 20 4:55 . 5:15 .

    1. 5:10 PM 3. 5:20 PM 4. 5:25 PM : //www.englishspeak.com/th/english-lesson.cfm?lessonID=43

    9. 2 Don How are you? Not too bad. 1 3 4

  • 2557 55

    10. 3 Where are you from? 1 2 4

    11. 1 lets go. 2 3 4 /

    12. 4 Do you mind if I use your stapler for a second? 1 2 3

    13. 3 Fruit salad with olive oil 1 2 4

    14. 3 Here you are. Here you are. 1 There it is. 2 Here I am. 4 There we are.

    15. 2 Not at all. 1 Certainly 3 Of course. 4 Yes, I would.

  • 2557 56

    16. 2 See the doctor. Sally 1 Stop studying. 3 Help her mother. 4 Take a bath every day.

    17. 2 Thats too bad. A 1 Never mind. 3 This is interesting. 4 Have a good health.

    18. 4 Get well soon. 1 Sorry to hear that. 2 Drink more soda. 3 Get back soon.

    19. 3 1 2 4

    20. 3 19 library 3 1 2 4

    21. 1

    2 3 4

    22. 3 Im so sorry 1 2 4

  • 2557 57

    23. 2 Get better soon 1 3 4

    24. 2 Could I borrow yours? 1 3 4

    25. 4 Would pass me the pepper, please? 1 2 3

    26. 3 I would like to introduce my friend. 1 2 4

    27. 4 I tried to stop the car but my brake didnt work. 1 2 3

    28. 4 I am very sorry, Sir. I dont understand all. 1 2 3

    29. 2 August 1 3 4

  • 2557 58

    30. 4 1 2 3

    31. 2 1 3 4

    32. 4 1 2 3 Never mind!

    33. 4 "Here you are." 1 2 3

    34. 3 1 2 4

    35. 4 1 2 3

    36. 4 1 2 3

  • 2557 59

    37. 3 Yes, you may. May 1 Dont worry 2 No, of course not 4 Im afraid you can not 1, 2 4 Peter

    38. 3 1 2 4

    39. 4 It's my pleasure. 1 2 3

    40. 1 7 6.45 . 2 (10.5 .) 3 (150 .) 4 (2014)

    41. 3 1 2 4

    42. 1 When will you be twelve? 12 2 When were you born? 3 When will your next birthday? 4 When is your birthday?

    43. 1 She is tall and slim. Mary Mary 2 She looks for her dad. 3 She is nineteen years old. 19 4 She looks at the lovely girl.

  • 2557 60

    44. 4 She works in the health center. 1 She works happily. 2 She works with my uncle. 3 She works as a nurse.

    45. 1 Id love it. Nisa James Nisa See you there. 2 I dont like movie. 3 Im afraid not, Im busy. 4 Sorry, I have to do my homework.

    46. 4 Its cloudy. 1 Its cold. 2 Its rainy. 3 Its windy.

    47. 4 The food is good and cheap. 1 You can walk there. 2 It isnt far from here. 3 My friend is a waiter there.

    48. 3 Whats your address? 17 1 Who live here? 2 Where is your house? 4 When is your birthday?

    49. 2 How old are you? Im twelve years old. 12 1 How tall are you? 3 How much do you weigh? 4 How many months are there in a year?

    50. 3 missed the bus . 1 woke up early 2 failed the test 4 drove too fast

  • 2557 61

    51. 2 lost my keys 1 had a key 3 found a dollar 4 bought a new shirt 1

    52 3 The soldiers work in the post office. 1 The teachers works in school. 2 The nurses work in the hospital. 4 The sellers works in the supermarket.

    53. 4 red, orange, yellow 1 white grey gold 2 blue black brown 3 pink purple green

    54. 3 horse 1 bear 2 tiger 4 alligator

    55. 2 grow more trees. 1 use plastic bags. 3 turn on the lights all day. 4 throw the garbage into the river.

    56. 1 surfing 2 singing 3 cooking 4 studying

    57. 4 skateboarding 165 1 reading 2 sleeping 3 shouting

    58. 1 hurt , 2 long 3 cold 4 beautiful

  • 2557 62

    59. 4 can 58 Helen David 1 1 do Present simple tense 2 did Past simple tense 3 will Future simple tense

    60. 1 key .. 2 roof 3 ceiling 4 window

    61. 4 forgot his homework . 1 lost my keys 2 found a dollar 3 passed the test

    62. 3 sunny 1 rainy 2 windy 4 cloudy

    63. 3 She isnt tall enough. Susan .. 1 She is young. 2 She is too tall. 4 She isnt young enough.

    64. 4 Chocolate John Lisa 1 money 2 pumpkin 3 picture

    65. 4 Congratulations! Tom 1 Its fine. 2 Its Okay. 3 Thats good.

  • 2557 63

    66. 4 Sorry to hear that. Dan Cathy 1 Buy a new one. 2 Tell your father. 3 Dont mention it.

    67. 4 Give them some candies. Trick or treat 1 Give them some roses. 2 Give them some eggs. 3 Give them some milk.

    68. 3 Mothers Day 1 Birthday 2 Valentines Day 3 Christmas Day

    69. 2 Christmas Santa 1 Cake Easter 3 Roses Halloween Day 4 Pumpkin Valentines Day

    70. 4 Im sorry to hear that. Sam 1 Here you are. 2 Youre welcome. 3 Dont mention it.

    71. 3 shake their hands American people when they greet each other. 1 nod their heads 2 touch their ears 4 show their tongues

    72. 4 forks and knives 1 chopsticks , forks 2 spoons , knives 3 chopsticks , knives

  • 2557 64

    73. 4 Religion 1 Food 2 Career 3 Sport

    74. 1 May I help you? May I help you? 2 Are they English books? 3 What subject do you teach? 4 Which class do you like most?

    75. 3 the canteen Pop Bell Bell Bell 1 the toilet 2 the library 4 the nurses office

    76. 3 Thanks a lot Mike Pim Mike 1 Yes 2 Not at all 3 Youre welcome

    77. 3 How much is it? Mana Mana How much is it? 1 How about it? 2 How old is it? 4 How do you like it?

    78. 3 31 1. 1st January. 2. 14th February. 4. 25th December.

    79. 2 1. Go to the gym. 3. Go to the temple 4. Go to the shopping mall.

  • 2557 65

    80. 2 1. cake, gift, sock 3. pumpkin, mask, candy. 4. Turkish, egg, chocolate.

    81. 3 Congratulations! 1. Whats a pity. 2. Get well soon! 4. How beautiful is it.

    82. 3 turkey and pumpkins 1 ostrich and onions 2 duck and tomatoes 4 chicken and potatoes

    83. 1 He always goes to school by bus. Present Simple Tense + 1 He / She / It s es 1 They buy the car. 2 They will buy the car. Future Tense (Subject + will+ Verb 1) 3 They bought the car. Past Simple Tense (Subject + Verb 2) 4 They are buying the car. Present Continuous Tense (Subject + is / am /are + Verb ing)

  • 2557 66

    84. 1 You should not wear shorts in the temple. 2 You should not wear long skirt in the temple. 3 You should not wear long pants in the temple. 4 You should not wear uniform to go to school.

    85. 3 bread ............ 1 roti 2 sushi () 4 noodles

    86. 2 May I go out, please? 1 May I come in, please? 3 May I stand up, please? 4 May I borrow your book, please?

    87. 1 Pon studies P.E. at 4 oclock. Pon 4 Science starts at 1 p.m. We study Science for 2 hours. After that its P.E. 1 2 Pon 3 2 Pon has P.E. in the afternoon. Pon 3 Pon studies Science for two hours. Pon 4 Pon has English and Art in the morning. Pon

    88. 2 Close the window, please. 1 Open the window, please. 3 Go to the window, please. 4 Clean the window, please.

  • 2557 67

    89. 2 Can I help you? Yes. Please clean the whiteboard for me. 1 Can I go out? 3 Can I ask you a question? 4 Can I move the desk?

    90. 2 / 1 / Trick or treat 3 4 (Sympathy)

    91. 4

    1 2 Boxing day 3

    92. 3 adjective (/ + + article the ( , ) that relative pronoun 1 that article the 2 , that 4 , adjective

    93. 3 town () , cloud () loud () 1 loss () , shout () 2 crown (), boil () 4 bounce (), hot ()

  • 2557 68

    94. 3 1 2 4 ]

    95. 1 /

    1 2 4 96. 3

    1 2 4

    97. 1 A bed B

    2 3 4 98. 2 Sam Lee Lee

    Yes, please. Lee Lee No, thanks. 2 1 3 4.

  • 2557 69

    99. 2 wear ghost masks Halloween 31 Trick or Treat 1 Valentines Day 3 Easter 4 Thanksgiving

    100. 1 (chair) (brown) (big) determiners (a, an, the)+sizes (tiny, small, big)+colours (green, brown, red)+nouns (chair, table, desk) 1 A big brown chair 2 3 4

    101. 4 past simple tense pay paid 4 1 2 3

    102. 2 Thanksgiving 1 Easter 3 Valentine

  • 2557 70

    4 Halloween

    103. 1 Christmas 2 3 4

    104. 3 Sam 1 2 4 Sam

    105. 4 Sam 4 2 2 1 2 3

    106. 4 Ted Pam Pam Pam will sketch 1 make 2 sketch (v1) 3 will make make sketch

    107. 3 Pam Ted going to will Im going to draw 1 2 Present simple tense 4 make

  • 2557 71

    108. 1 Excuse me Excuse me 2 Do you know 3 Congratulations 4 Nice to meet you

    109. 4 ghost masks witch hats Jack Jim 1 pumpkin bags 2 roses balloons v

    3 black cat doll ribbons 110. 3 Nut, this is Mr. Jackson. Preecha Nut

    Mr. Jackson Preecha Nut Mr.Jackson 1 Hi, how are you? Jack Mr. Jackson Nut Mr. Jackson 2 Hello, Mr. Jackson.Jack Mr. Jackson Nut Mr. Jackson 4 Mr. Jackson, this is my son.Preecha Mr. Jackson Nut

    111. 2 Hello. Can I help you? 1 Hello. How are you? 3 How have you been? 4 Hello. Can you help me?

    112. 1 Pardon 2 3 4

    113. 3 1 2 4

  • 2557 72

    114. 3 1 2 4

    115. 1 2 3 4

    116. 2 favourite 1 lovely 3 enjoyable 4 Interested

    117. 4 subjects 1 sports 2 Hobbies 3 teachers

    118. 1 live Present Simple Tense 1(infinitive) 2 lived 3 will live 4 am living

    119. 2 I want a beautiful red shirt. opinion fact 1 beautiful red 3 4

    120. 4 Of course not Thank you 1, 2 3

    121. 1 go we always 1 (infinitive)

    2 goes es 3 3 went 4 gone has / have

  • 2557 73

    122. 3 a toothache dentist 1 a headache 2 a backache 4 a stomachache

    123. 3 How do you do? How do you do? How do you do? How do you do? 1 2 4

    124. 4 He was stung by a bee. Ouch! 1. He had a cold. 2. He got a present. 3. He won the lottery.

    125. 3 black pencil big table (Adjective) 1 ( black pencil) 2 ( black pencil, big table) 4 ( big table) 126. 1 I am ill.

    2 He is okay. 3 She is fine. 4 We are well.

    127. 1 John can play football very well. can/could ( to) s well () good ()

    2 good 3 4 play s 128. 1 red 1

    them 3 yellow 2 hello 4 (www.poetry4kids.com/blog/lessons/how-to-write-funny-poetry-chapter-2/)

    129. 4 "" 1 2 3

  • 2557 74

    130. 3 "slow" 3 "reduce your speed" "" 1 2 4 (//firstsign.com)

    131. 2 "" "bike route" 2 " " 1 3 4 (www.clker.com)

    132. 2 "Exit" "" 2 "" 1 3 4 (www.clipartbest.com)

    133. 3 50 3 " 50 " 1 " " 2 " 50 "

    4 " 50 " (www.trafficsigns.com)

    134. 2 2 "" "There is a place to eat here" 1 3 4 (www.vectors4all.net)


  • 2557 75

    135. 3 " " 3 " " 1 2 4 (www.mbamamamusings.com)

    136. 1 " " "" 4 "" 2 3 4 (www.stepforwardpak.com)

    137. 1 "" 1 "" 2 3 4 (www.proprofs.com)

    138. 4 Where can you see this sign? () (hospital) 1 ( ) 2 ( 3 ()

    (//www.wpclipart.com/signs_symbol/roadside_symbols/roadside_4/.cache/ first_aid_BW.png) 139. 2 at the airport () Where can you see this sign? ()

    1 3 4 (//www.wpclipart.com/signs_symbol/roadside_symbols/.cache/ litter_disposal.png)


  • 2557 76

    140. 2 At the school () Where can you see this sign? () (Do not sound the horn) (hospital) (school) 1 ( ) 3 () 4 () (//www.designofsignage.com/application/symbol/building/image/600x600/no-horn.jpg)

    141. 2 You can send an e-mail ( E-mail) What can you do when you see this symbol? ( ) (mailing) @ 1 ( @ post office ) 3 ( @ post office ) 4 ( @ post office )

    (//www.americandooranddock.com/portals/1/Images/email.jpg) 142. 2 The driver could drive through () When a bus

    driver find this sign, which of the followings is the most appropriate? ( ) (Road flooded) 1 The driver should stop the bus () 3 The driver has to reduce speed () 4 The driver has to change the route () (//www.streetsignpictures.com/images/250_w18-2.gif)

    143. 1 Leave a plastic bag () When you see this sign, what should you not do? ( ) 2 Keep the glass bottle. () 3 Use both sides of paper. () 4 Plant a green bean in a can. () (//payload.cargocollective.com/1/4/149514/2104988/CuereIcons.jpg)


  • 2557 77

    144. 2 4 places (4 ) how many banks can you withdraw money from? ( ) () B 4 1 3 3 5 4 6 (//www.wonderthailand.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Ko-Rattanakosin-Map.jpg)

    145. 1 Which signs can help you find a restaurant? () 2 (No smoking) 3 (Hospital) 4 (Restroom) (//www.wpclipart.com/signs_symbol/BW/BW_3/restaurant_sign.png)

    146. 2 (Immigration) Which sign can you see at the airport? () (Immigration) 1 (Do not step on) (Museum) 3 (Do not feed animals) (National park) (Zoo) 4 (Put trash here / litter disposal) (//www.labelsource.co.uk/content/images/product/zoom/1a87fcc3-5fdc-48f0-81b5-3b5632593200.jpg)

    147. 3 Do not feed the animals () Which sign will help your friend understand the message? (

    1 (Parking) 2 (Rest room) 4 (Be careful of cows)

  • 2557 78

    148. 1 It will be a rainy day When you see this symbol, what will happen on Tuesday?() rain 2 It will be a sunny day 3 It will be a windy day 4 It will be a cloudy day

    149. 1 He will avoid the path () What will a boy do after he see this sign at the school?( ) (Do not step on) 2 He can skate on the path 3 He will jump on the sign 4 He will continue walking (//www.signcenterinc.com/3.Traffic/2.Danger/Danger.1.gif)

    150. 2 Laundry soap 1 3 4

    151. 3 Its good to drink non-alcohol. () What judgment would you make about this symbol? () (No Alcohols) 1 Its good to have a party ( ) 2 Its not bad to drink wine () 4 Its not bad to buy some alcohol () (//www.streetsignpictures.com/images/225_45.gif)

    152. 4 (have thick layers of fat to protect them from the bitter cold) 1 They are predators. 2 They are great swimmers. 3 They have strong bodies. (//mrnussbaum.com/penguins_young/)


  • 2557 79

    153. 2 (penguins still have to watch out for predators such as killer whales and seals.)

    1 weather 3 swimming 4 finding foods

    (//mrnussbaum.com/penguins_young/) 154. 4 Penguins have to be able to survive in the some of the

    Earth's coldest 1 Asia 2 Africa 3 Australia (//mrnussbaum.com/penguins_young/)

    155. 1 kind type 2 3 4

    156. 4 1 40 2 50 3 90

    157. 2 Different kinds of fish 1 , 3 4

    158. 1 Dan Packs His Bag Dan 1 2 Dan Cannot Close the Bag He closes the bag, but it cannot close. 3 Dans Trip to the Mountain "Dan is going on a trip to the mountains." 4 Dan Puts a Camera in the Bag " Dan puts a camera in the bag."


  • 2557 80

    159. 1 put things into it He wants to pack his bag. () He puts a toothbrush, a map, boots, a camera and a book in the bag. ( ) pack 1 2 snap things off it 3 open and close it 4 take things out of it

    160. 3 take pictures "He puts, a camera, in the bag." 1 go fishing 2 make a tent 4 climb the mountain

    161. 3 Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs. Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs.

    1 Think before you act. 2 We should have mercy on animals 4 Whats sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

    162. 2 taken good care of the goose. .a man and his wife had the good luck to have a goose that could lay golden eggs. Every day, the goose would lay three golden eggs. 1 left the goose into the forest. 3 sold the goose for more money. 4 looked for a new goose that could lay more eggs.

    163. 1 finding ( ) looking for John cannot drive a car anywhere, because he lost his car key. John Now he is looking for it because he couldn't remember where he put it. 2 selling 3 seeing 4 keeping

  • 2557 81

    164. 4 hungry () starving Jane is starving, so she is ordering three hamburgers. Jane 3 1 lucky 2 thirsty 3 happy

    165. 4 a mobilephone () It's small. You can communicate with your friend who is far away from you by using it. ( clue ) 1 a radio 2 a television 3 a microphone

    166. 2 Edward Nino Hernandez is the shortest man in the world. Edward Nino Hernandez (Edward Nino Hernandez of Colombia has been named the world's shortest living manby the Guinness Book of World Records.) 70 . 10 2 1 Edward Nino Hernandez lives in Columbia. Edward 3 Edward Nino Hernandez was interviewed on September 20, 2010 Edward 20 2553 4 Edward Nino Hernandez hasn't grown up since he was 2 years old. Edward 2

    167. 3 Doctors does not understand why he stopped growing. 1 His mother is only 70 cm tall and 10 kg now. 70 . 10 2 Edward Nino Hernandez is two years old now. Edward 2 4 Edward Nino Hernandez was born on September 20, 2010. Edward 20 2553

  • 2557 82

    168. 3 you blue blue you cold 1 gray () 2 sad () 4 cold ( )

    169. 1 Florio can get some orange juice ( ) What does this sign show? () (Bar) 2 Thomas can check the luggage weight ( ) 3 Sandy can wait for the plane taking off ( ) 4 John can buy some souvenir for friends () (//www.evl.uic.edu/aej/422/GIFs/airport.gif)

    170. 2 The tourist can exchange bank notes () What does a tourist do when the/she see this symbol? ( Exchange money) 1 The tourist often ask for information ( ) 3 The tourist will get the boarding pass ( ) 4 The tourist should show the passport ( ) (//www.evl.uic.edu/aej/422/GIFs/airport.gif)

    171. 1 You will face the elevator () When you see this sign, What will you see later? ( ) (elevator / lift) 2 You will stop at the restroom () 3 You will see the luggage claim () 4 You will find the money exchange () (//www.evl.uic.edu/aej/422/GIFs/airport.gif)


  • 2557 83

    172. 4 1, 2, 3

    173. 2 1, 3, 4

    174. 2 hospital patient 1, 3, 4

    175. 4 food and beverage 1, 2, 3

    176. 1 The United States 177. 2 Bake with it 178. 3

    1 2 4

    179. 3 Som is Sak and Nids son. 1 Nancy Jim David 2 Jim 5 7 4 Sandy 2 3

    180. 4 Thailand 1 Laos 4 2 Malaysia 3 3 China 2

    181. 4 China has the men less than Malaysia. 35 Malaysia 25 1 Laos China 2 Malaysia Laos 3 Thailand 5

    182. 4 No, because she must pay 3,000 baht to have the floor refinished. Rebecca 3,000 Rebecca 1 2 2,000 3 3,000

  • 2557 84

    183. 2 Flight details 1 Letter 3 Job position 4 Advertisement

    184. 2 Air Asia 1,900 1 Nok Air 2,800 3 Thai Airways 4,700 4 Bangkok Airways 4,700

    185. 3 Thai Airways Bangkok 07.10 Phuket 08.35 1 20 1 Nok Air Phuket 2 Air Asia Bangkok 09.45 Phuket 10.45 1 4 Bangkok Airways Bangkok Phuket

    186. 2 Nok Air. 08.25 . 09.00 . 1 Air Asia 09.10 . 3 Thai Airways 4 Bangkok Airways

    187. 3 1 2 4

    188. 1 2 3 4

    189. 1 1 (hiking) (adventure) 2 3 4

  • 2557 85

    190. 4 PE football 1 2 3

    191. 1 A. Suda gets up early. B. Suda arrives at school. C. Suda goes to school by bus. D. Suda has breakfast with her mother. A-D-C-B

    192. 4 A. Pour some vegetable oil into the pan. B. Broken four eggs. 4 C. Put the pan on the stove. D. Stir eggs, mix with fish sauce. E. Put the eggs in the hot oil. B-D-C-A-E

    193. 3 The ass (), the fox (), the tiger () and the giraffe () are.. wild animal () 1 pets 2 sea animals 4 farm animal

    194. 1 She loves drawing and painting.( ) Nid likes art. ()

    2 Thai () 3 P.E. () 4 Music ()

    195. 2 He is fishing.( ) Chai sits near the river.( )

    1 tree 3 park 4 market

  • 2557 86

    196. 2 (Family Name first) () 1 Dan 3 Dan Thomson -

    4 Thomson 197. 2 Age () Dan Thomson was born on March 17, 1999.

    ( 17 1999) 2014 15 1 17 3 16 4 14

    198. 4 Nationality () American 1 Thai 2 America 3 Thailand

    199. 3 You can call him on 0-2-9-5-4 double 7-8-9. double 0-2-9-5-4 double 7-8-9 = 029547789

    200. 1 45 students like science. ( 45 ) 30 students like English. ( 30 ) 10 students like math. ( 10 ) 10 students like P.E. ( 10 ) 5 students like art.( 45 )

  • 2557 87


    -.............................................................................. ......................................................................................


    7. 250

    Part I : Conversation 1-60 Part II: Reading Comprehension 61-120 Part III: Grammar and Vocabulary 121-210 Part IV: Miscellaneous 211-250 -Restatement (211-230) -Error Recognition (231-250)

    8. 4 1 9. 10.

    11. 12.

  • 2557 88

    Part I: Conversation (1-60) Directions: Read each situation and the dialogue carefully and choose the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue.

    1. Situation: In the classroom. Andy: Could you help me solve this problem? Jane: _______________ 1. Certainly, Id be glad to. 2. I think we cant do it together.

    3. Dont worry Its rather difficult for you. 4. Sorry, I think the teacher can help me.

    2. Situation: Ryan meets Alex, his old friend, at the department store. Ryan: What are you doing these days? Alex: _______________

    1. I sell electrical appliances. 2. Ill be successful, Im sure.

    3. I can wait for a few more days. 4. I feel satisfied with what I have.

    3. Situation: Grace meets Elena at the school canteen at lunch time. Grace: Whats the matter? Arent you feeling well? Elena: I have a little headache. Grace: _______________

    1. You should feel sick. 2. You should sleep well. 3. You should take a rest. 4. Youd better buy some food.

    4. Situation: Sam and Mary are couple. They are talking in the living room. Mary: I had a nightmare last night. I was very scared. Sam: Really? _______________

    1. Why didnt you call me? 2. Why didnt you sleep well?

    3. You should drink some cola. 4. You should take a little time to work.

  • 2557 89

    5. Situation: Henry is at Future Complex. Man: Excuse me, which bus goes to Platinum? Henry: Im sorry, _______________.

    1. I dont go there 2. I dont know you 3. its very bad to hear that 4. Im afraid I cant help you

    6. Situation: Owen is at the Regent Hotel. Woman: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to A.U.A.? Owen: Certainly, _______________. 1. I dont know the way 2. I am the stranger here 3. its take 20 minutes from here. 4. go along this road for about 2 bus-stops and its on the left

    7. Situation: Emma is on the bus. Emma: Would you mind putting my case on the rack? 1.2.3 Man: _______________ There you are.

    1. I do mind. 2. Of course not. 3. Yes, of course. . 4. Its not my business.

    8. Situation: Bob is checking out of the hotel. Receptionist: Were you happy here, sir? Bob: Sure, _______________

    1. I felt its very noisy here. 2. I felt Its smoky at night.

    3. I slept well every night. 4. I watched TV at night.

    9. Situation: Anna and Sophia are talking about a singer, Donna Summer. Anna: I think Donna Summer is a wonderful singer. Sophia: Really? _______________ 1. But her tone is too low.

    2. Dont you like her? 3. Thats a good idea.

    4. Isnt she a singer?

  • 2557 90

    (10-11) Situation: An Interview with a Football Manager. Max: Now, Mr. Pye, I would like you to tell me what you think about your chances in the game tomorrow. Mr. Pye: This time_______10________. Max: But you havent won a game for two months. ________11_______ youll do better tomorrow? Mr. Pye: Well, we have a few forward, Johnny Briggs, as you know. He will give the team the confidence they need.

    10. 1. I think were going to beat Rovers 2. I think were going to lost Rovers 3. were going to make the goals 4. were going to play the game

    11. 1. How long can you think 2. What makes you think 3. Could you tell me 4. What happens

    12. Situation: David and Bobby are talking about TV program last night. David: Did you see Moving West last night? Bobby: _______________

    1. I had no idea. 2. Yeah, how was it?

    3. I was just watching TV. 4. Yeah, it was pretty good.

    13. Situation: George and Ken are talking at the stadium. George: _______________ Ken: Sure, its a big match of Brazils fans. 1. Its really hot here, isnt it?

    2. Its a big match of Brazilians. 3. Its kind of crowded, isnt it?

    4. Its very kind of Brazils fans.

  • 2557 91

    Situation: Wanna just came back from the U.K. She is talking with Pimon, her classmate. Pimon: Can you tell me what a housing of people in the U.K. is like? Wanna: Sure. People sometimes think that they all live in beautiful houses in the country. But most people live in town, its true that________14_______. And nearly every house in town_______15________ because people like growing plants and trees.

    14. 1. houses are more common than flats 2. flats are more common than houses

    3. houses are less convenient than flats 4. flats are more convenient than houses

    15. 1. always have a garden 2. always have a basement 3. is located on the river shore 4. is surrounded by high buildings

    Situation: Sombat just came back from the U.S. He is talking with Warut, his brother. Warut: What do people usually do on Christmas holiday in America? Sombat: People in family usually have Christmas trees. On December 25, they usually stay together and _______16_______, like turkey with roasted potatoes, vegetables, and then Christmas pudding. The day later, it is a boxing day. Parents usually ________17_______ their children that day.

    16. 1. watch movies 2. enjoy dancing 3. sing Christmas songs 4. eat many kinds of food 17. 1. send cards to 2. give presents to 3. watch boxing on TV with 4. do outdoor activities with

  • 2557 92

    Situation: Wichai is talking with Warunee who just came from attending High School in the U.S. Wichai: I just saw the movie The prom night on TV, what is a prom night like? Warunee: You did! Its a school dance for high school senior students. They formally dress up to the dance party; _______18________. This event is typically held near the end of the senior year. Its a traditional with high school graduation to ________19_______, and start a new period of work or college.

    18. 1. girls with casual wears, boys with tuxedos 2. girls with casual wears, boys with over coats 3. girls with evening dresses, boys with tuxedos 4. girls with evening dresses, boys with pain shirts

    19. 1. give party for all students 2. offer fun activities to students 3. mark the end of high school life 4. provide time for students to dance

    Situation: Pranee and Manee are talking about Halloween. Pranee: In the U.S., what do children usually do on Halloween? Manee: Well, they usually wear Halloween clothes, like ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils. Then, they _______20________. When homeowners answer, they always say trick or treat. Pranee: Why do they do like that? Manee: Its for fun, and they want to________21_______

    20. 1. ask some neighbors a question 2. gather round by a neighbors house 3. go to knock the doors of a neighbors house 4. walk around to scare some neighbors nearby 21. 1. get some candies 2. have the best wish 3. scare the homeowners 4. make the homeowners scary

  • 2557 93

    Situation: Kevin, from the U.S, and Surachai are talking about some church manners. Surachai: What do American people usually do when entering the church service? Kevin: One thing we do to pay respect, we ________22_______. As women, clothes should not be too low, too high or too tight. Male pants should not hang below the buttock. Surachai: Oh, I got it.

    22. 1. must dress up appropriately 2. can dress up with what you need 3. are able to wear short pants or skirts 4. are allowed to wear with tight trousers or shirts. Situation: Kate, from the U.K., and Mana are talking. Kate: Is it different between English and Thai pronunciation? Mana: Yes, of course. For English language, with questions that need a Yes/No answer, You________23_______ at the end, but in Thai language, basically, we dont do like that when asking. Kate : Oh, I see.

    23. 1. never make a rising tone 2. usually make a rising tone 3. often make a falling tone 4. always make a falling tone

    Situation: Weera is attending AFS program in the U.S. He is talking with Willy, his classmate. Weera: What do American teenage students usually do after school? Willy: Well, we spend most time ________24_______, like serving meal in a restaurant, or bagging things in stores. Weera: Oh, thats a bit different from what most of Thai teenage students do, they ________25_______ to get higher school-record.

    24. 1. joining sport clubs 2. doing part-time jobs 3. working full-time jobs 4. attending academic activities

  • 2557 94

    25. 1. go to special tutorials 2. do homework at homes 3. help parents do housework 4. play computer games at homes

    Situation: Panom is talking to Alex, an exchange student from America, about Childrens Day. Panom: In your country, what is the Childrens Day for? Alex: Its a day for parents to show love and dedication of their lives to children. Its always on June 3rd every year. Parents________26_______ Panom: Oh, I see. But a different thing is that we always have Childrens Day on ________27_______ in our country.

    26. 1. have to do their own routine activities 2. spend time enjoying something with their children 3. are not allowed to do something with their children 4. are not accompanied with their children doing activities

    27. 1. the first Saturday of June 2. the second Saturday of June 3. the third Saturday of January 4. the second Saturday of January

    Situation: You are 15 minutes late for the history class. 28. What should you say to the professor?

    1. How is about the class? 2. I am sorry for being late. 3. Is there any homework today? 4. I have been busy. Now I am here.

    Situation: Today your younger sister wears a very fashionable costume for the Halloween party. 29. What will you say to her?

    1. You shouldn't have dressed like this. 2. If I were you, I would not wear this dress. 3. I think you could have picked a better one.



